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News Commentary #111 — AxisCrude and Ethtrade

AxisCrude Begins Referral Contest.

This program moved to PROBLEM! Do not invest there!

AxisCrude (reviewed here) just began a referral contest.  The way I see it, it really isn’t a contest.  Rather it appears to be an additional commission on top of the normal referral commission structure.  And, these additional commissions can be fairly lucrative.  How does an additional 10% or 12% sound?  There are a few things about the contest that aren’t clear.  I THINK the additional bonuses only apply to SINGLE deposits in the amounts indicated in the announcement.  For example, there is a 3% bonus for a referral deposit of $500.  It appears that this must be a single deposit rather than, say, two $250 deposits.  I feel this way because the announcement says that the commission “will be credited to your AXIS-CRUDE account when your referral makes their deposit.”  That implies a single deposit to me.  So, assuming I have this right, the commissions will be on referral deposits of $500 and up.  This is OK.  However, large deposits like that are rather few and far between.

FexFund has been having promotional contests for the last few weeks.  Is AxisCrude trying to compete?  This is interesting as, just yesterday, we published the first issue of a new Emily News series of articles called “HYIP Battles.”  And, the first “battle” is “FexFund vs. AxisCrude!”  Be sure to read it here.

The full text of the AxisCrude contest announcement follows…

We sincerely appreciate all our active investors around the world; thank you for choosing AXIS-CRUDE INVESTMENT LTD.

As part of our usual effort of encouraging all those who are promoting AXIS-CRUDE INVESTMENT, we are launching a referral contest which will give our active investors the opportunity to earn more commissions. This will be very amazing and exciting and we want everyone to grab this opportunity.

Firstly, please note that this referral contest will run for ONLY ONE WEEK (from 12th -17th June 2017). It’s necessary for everyone to start working immediately to benefit from the offer.

500$-1000$  = 3% Commission
1001$-1999$  = 6% Commission
2000$-4999$  = 10% Commission
5000$-above  = 12% Commission

The commission for the referral contest will be credited to your AXIS-CRUDE account when your referral makes their deposit. The good news is that these new commissions will be added to the usual referral commissions of 7%, 2% and 1% we have been offering.

Start working now! Tell the world about AXIS-CRUDE INVESTMENT; we are the best; we keep our words and fulfill our promises.

Always spread the good news about AXIS-CRUDE INVESTMENT.

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Once again, we appreciate every single investor, you are the reason we are still in business.


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Ethtrade Hosts Workshop in China.

Ethtrade (reviewed here) recently hosted a very impressive workshop in China.  There is a very nice video of it and it is easy to see that it was quite a sophisticated affair.  A few hundred people or all ages attended the workshop and my guess, from looking at the video, is that it was a very enthusiastic audience.

Ethtrade is extremely active in Asia and it appears that they are always “up to something there.”  Ethtrade has been around for close to a year now and shows no sign of slowing down!  Here is their news release…

Dear Ethtrade partners. We had a wonderful workshop, which was held in May 24th, 2017 in Shandong Province Linyi City News Building in China.

This event was successfully held and was a complete successfully by the help of local Ethtrade leaders and active members.

Different topics were discussed during the workshop.
One of the main subjects discussed was about the fact that Ethtrade platform is not only for making extra funds and investors profitable through passive income, but is also ready to train investors to become a market specialist and an individual trader.

We want to thank everyone who participated!
All participants of the workshop had a great time, everyone was focused, determined, motivated, and very passionate. The seminar eventually came to a successful conclusion.

Ethtrade – the future is here!


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