Update: 25.05.2021
Another step to clear the industry.. BAD [untrusted] services (allhyipmonitors etc..) to be detected and announced soon.. To be continued..
*Stay with EN, be sure you get the right status and true information about everything happens around..
Please share with your freinds the info below! Join the movement!
One of AHM services (“all hyip monitors” sites which retranslate statuses of many monitors for any program) stopped displaying EN monitor buttons with Warning / Scam statuses. Highly likely, this AHM service has direct connections to [IN FACT] scam / paying selectively different programs which are shown as “PAYING” (by most monitors) for weeks, months and even years.
Apparently, this service has no intention of providing FULL information gathered from all the places BUT to show you statuses that most suitable at their own view.
Use information of ONLY those AHM services which stay independent and provide ALL statuses without exceptions otherwise noone can guarantee you that paying statuses that you see there are the real ones. If you do not see EN monitor status on any services like that – ask me and i will notify you if it’s a service that you can rely on or NOT.
And of course always check EN Scam Detector to check any project / recently added projects. Report us (with proofs) if you have been scammed and we will try to check it ASAP. Stay positive and get TRUE information and status with EN!
Well … we haven’t offered you articles for deep thought for a long time … The time has come, because during 2020 and early 2021 we received a LOT of evidences of how much Fake information and Fake resources the HYIP industry still has to this day.
Until now, weak HYIP admins extort money from investors. And what is even more funny and sad – HYIP monitors that extort money from HYIP admins by selling their users / members / investors for the “paying” status. We will not advertise such services here, but we know most of them. Sooner or later the entire accumulated evidence base may be publicly posted. Don’t you understand that dear administrators of the so-called HYIP monitors???, who are so worried / care and protects investors ( 😉 ) ..
Or those of you who offer RCB and “insurance”, but are silent about the fact that most likely in such projects most deposits will be lost ..
Or those of you who invest min. amount of deposits to the projects using your own ref. links and then begging for more, more and more ref. commissions from the platforms, deceiving your own visitors / followers…
Or may be those of you who first launch several HYIP programs and then launch your own HYIP monitor, sending emails to all your former investors and other members, asking to join this “direction”… 😉
Once again, I remind everyone .. EN community has enough people who save and convey all the information about your “good” deeds. There are a lot of evidences.. Both from investors to whom you write privately (and then they transfer information to us) and from HYIP administrators who provided and continue to provide us your private conversations (in case you extort money or saying bad about other resources, to make them join your site / monitor)..
Don’t you understand that someday this information may be opened for everyone and then you will have NOTHING to say more? Would you like to end your work in hyip industry like that? Or may be there is another way? A bit more honest and a bit more honored? *You have less and less time to think and correct your attitude and your approach to style of work.
Be Honest with Yourself..
EN knows several dozen investors / groups of investors with very large investment baskets. And we understand that many of them, reading and trusting the information from this blog, checking status on EN monitor and checking Scam detector, still invest from their own services (sites) or without uplines at all.. But we will NEVER beg them to use any special links.. It’s so childish doing that..
It is enough for me that they track good platforms right here and that they trust the information we provide on a daily basis. Ask yourself – maybe you can try doing the same thing? I assure you – it’s nice to know that regular investors and administrators of other resources trust you and check the status of the project here before posting it on their websites.. I really enjoy that, without any doubts..
Don’t forget, EN monitor came to return the industry to its GOLDEN 2008-2012 period, when there were much more strong programs and honest admins. When a deposit of $1000 – $3000 or more was “nothing special” for most investors. When there was much more honor, honesty and an open / trusting relationship between the investor and HYIP admin. When some (admins) considered it their duty to tell the truth and warn investors if a project got weaker and needed to be supported, while others (investors) earned a lot by supporting strong and honest projects with constant reinvestment and making it run for many many months or even few years.. Have you forgotten these times? Of course yes .. Today it looks like a fairy tale .. right? – but Nothing Is Impossible and we came to revive such a relationship and such an industry OR to Born the New ONE! Together with our friends, colleagues and investors who support us.. Agree, it will be much better for everyone to participate in SUCH an industry!
I remind to you Hyip Admin:
- Be Strong, Be Honest, Try to run your platforms as LONG as possible for the benefit of your members.. After that, the same participants / investors will support all of your next programs more and more to make your relationship better and more trusting. It is much easier to develop every new project, if you are supported by dozens and hundreds of investors, understanding who you are and knowing about your past strong platforms.
- Never trust monitor admins who beg you to join or extort money from you by any kind. They will do everything to make others look bad and them to look a bit better 🙂
- Remember – Investors is your GOLD.
I remind to you Hyip Investor:
- Your are the main POWER of this industry. Every deposit you make is your VOTE. So Vote SMART!
- Respect yourself and respect the resource which you choose to invest from. You must be sure that this monitor / blog / group / adviser is on the truth side and not trying to keep you only just to take your money again and again..
Stay always POSITIVE with what you are doing, just like EmilyNews does! Let’s continue to make this industry better day by day!
I remind to you EN social groups where everyone is free to Join The Movement:
- EN Twitter
- EN Facebook
- EN Telegram Channel (“EmilyNews”) – [New Channel, Backup with more updates, including payouts]
- EN Telegram Chat (“No To <Scam>”)
- EN Telegram Channel (“EN updates”)
- EN support chat for Hyip admins – [Beta mode, for hyip admins who want to chat with investors online]
*support chat for hyip admins is the new thing for us too, SO, if we see it helps anyone and anything, it will be developed further.. Ask your questions there if you need a reply from hyip admins, who joined it and created their own chats..
*Share this article to your Twitter / Telegram / Email contacts. Show this article to AS MANY of your readers / followers AS POSSIBLE. Trust me, it will help the industry and then it will help YOU! Be on the right side of the movement! Support Honesty, Support and Respect Yourself!