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HYIP Battles #1 — FexFund vs. Axiscrude Part 1

The Battle Begins: FexFund vs. AxisCrude.

FexFund (reviewed here) and AxisCrude (reviewed here) are among the most popular HYIPs on the market now.  And, they are often mentioned in the same breath as being very similar programs.  Yes, up to a point they are.  However, the investment plans that they offer have subtle differences that the wise HYIP investor (see article about the wise HYIP investor here) should fully understand before making the decision of whether or not to invest in one/none/both of them.

Since our reviews of FexFund and AxisCrude were done at different times, I never fully digested the differences in the investment plans that the two programs offer.  Yes, at first glance, they have different terms and different interest rates.  However, the more you think about it, this makes it even more confusing as you have two different variables (rate and time) acting at once.  It’s important to understand exactly how they affect the profitability of the investment plans.

What I’d like to do in this article is to take the investment plans apart so that it will be clear exactly how they will work in “real life.”  All this will be obvious to some of you.  However, I expect that, to most of you, what we will discover might come as a bit of a surprise.  OK, let’s get started.

There are four investment plans that I’d like to compare, two from FexFund and two from AxisCrudeFexFund offers a third plan, their “Starter Plan.”  However, I won’t be discussing it as it is a different type of plan than the others (principal back rather than principal included in earnings).  Here are the four plans that we will discuss:


Medium — 6% daily for 20 days
120% (20% Net) earnings

Investor — 5% daily for 30 days
150% (50% Net) earnings

Axis Crude

 PLAN A — 3% daily for 55 days
165% (65% Net) earnings

PLAN B — 4% daily for 50 days
200% (100% Net) earnings

Daily Net Interest Rate for the FexFund and AxisCrude Investment Plans.

At first glance, what will probably strike you is that the FexFund interest rates are higher than those for AxisCrude.  However, on the other hand, the FexFund terms are shorter.  There appears to be a balancing effect: short term high interest vs. long term low interest.  However, do these effects truly balance one another out?  In HYIP Insights #12 (that you can read here), I spent a great deal of time discussing a term I coined called “daily net interest,” or DNI for short.  The reason for this term is that it is a SINGLE quantity that includes the affects of BOTH the interest rate and term of an investment plan.  So, the profitability of different investment plans can be compared with a single number.

As the term implies, DNI is simply the “effective” daily net profit that you will make over the course of an investment plan.  It’s easy to obtain.  You simply take the total net profit and divide it by the number of days in the investment plan.  For example, the DNI for the FexFund Medium plan is 1.00% (20/20) and for the FexFund Investor Plan it is 1.33% (50/30).  In tabular form, here are the results for all four of the investment plans:


Medium — 6% daily for 20 days
120% (20% Net) earnings
DNI = 1%

Investor — 5% daily for 30 days
150% (50% Net) earnings
DNI = 1.67%


PLAN A — 3% daily for 55 days
165% (65% Net) earnings
DNI = 1.18%

PLAN B — 4% daily for 50 days
200% (100% Net) earnings
DNI = 2%

Well, here we have our first surprise.  Comparing the first FexFund plan to the first AxisCrude plan, we find that, although the “advertised” interest rate for FexFund is higher, in reality, the DNI for Axis Crude is higher.  In other words, other things being equal, the AxisCrude plan is the more profitable of the two.  Similarly, comparing the second plans for the two companies, we also find that the AxisCrude plan is more profitable.

So, is AxisCrude the best deal?  Well, we’re not done yet.  Let’s look at another factor — the minimum investment amount for each plan.  We’ll do that in Part 2 of this article.  Look for it soon…


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