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Arbill – Review Part 1

A few days ago, we published a “First Thoughts” article about Arbill.  There we introduced the company’s three investment plans.  Here’s what we said about the plans in that article…

Arbill offers three investment plans for the members:

  • Bronze 116.8 %     0.8% daily 3 weeks      $10 – $1000 deposit
  • Silver 128 %           1.0% daily 4 weeks      $500 – $5000 deposit
  • Gold  143.75 %       1.3% daily 5 weeks      $3000 – $20000 deposit

All the three plans have Principal Back term which means that your initial deposit must be returned back after the plan is over.

ABF token is an interesting thing here, which you may notice once you register your account on Arbill ….

Analysis of the Arbill Investment Plans.

All plans are indicated in Calendar days so there is no need to use conversion factor of 30/22.

Since we are dealing with plans in which the initial deposit is returned at the end – it should be clear to most of you that you will break even at the right same moment when you reach the end of each of these plans. To explain in details let’s take first plan.

You earn 0.8% daily for 3 weeks (21 days). The total gross interest is 116.8% from which your NET return is 16.8% and your Principal deposit will be returned to you at the end of 21st day. So, you can say that the daily interest you have received is NET profit. Here is why the “daily net interest” or DNI that the investment plan pays you is the same in such kind of plans:

  • Plan                 DNI                  Days to break even
  • Bronze             0.8%               21 days (plan length)
  • Silver               1.0%               28 days (plan length)
  • Gold                 1.3%               35 days (plan length)

According to EN HYIP Insights #12 Part 3 and Part 4  Bronze plan can be considered as Low interest plan while Silver and Gold as Medium interest plans.

We will pay attention to some features and terms of Arbill in the next part of the Review. It will be published within next several days, i believe, so Please stand by…


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