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News Commentary #1,124 – LoanTech | 8th B.E.P cycle done

Fresh announcement was received from LoanTech (reviewed here) that they had completed 8th Break Even Point (B.E.P) cycle already, which means around 800% of profit for those who joined at the very beginning.

Here’s what we said about LoanTech in our “First Thoughts” article: 

The investment plan has a number of interesting features.  First of all, it is a “perpetual” investment plan, which means that you make an investment once and that you will receive an interest return forever.  Second, the plan has an option whereby you can withdraw up to 34% of your deposit after 22 days.  This has the effect of enabling you to break even at that time — significantly more quickly than will happen if you do not utilize this option.  Of course, since you’ve withdrawn a third of your deposit, your daily interest return will be cut by one third at that time — although it still will continue forever.  I have not seen this option before in any other investment plan. 

Here is the announcement:

LoanTech’s – 8th B.E.P cycle done!
176 days since we started / 22 days (the duration it takes to reach 100% break-even point) = Total 8 cycles.
Our early members has enjoyed over 800% return or more for those who choose to “re-loan” (compound).
– We are now servicing nearly 100,000 active members.
* View our current and historical (daily updated) stats, here:


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