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News Commentary #529 — Earn Additional Money Using the CryptoLux Bounty Program

CryptoLux Now Longest-Lived HYIP on EmilyNews Monitor.

CryptoLux (reviewed here) is now the longest-lived program on the EmilyNews monitor.  It has been with us for around four and one half months.  This is pretty long in HYIP world.  Take a look at any monitor and you will see that programs that have been online for that long are few and far between.  The bottom line is that CryptoLux has proven itself as a viable online investment program.  Does this imply that it will still be online for another three or four months?  We would like to think so.  However, always remember that investing in HYIPs is a “Game” (read an article about the HYIP Game here).  Anything can happen and the rule is to “expect the unexpected.”

With this as a rather strange introduction, I would like to point out the CryptoLux “Bounty” program to you.  In order to access it, you must first register for CryptoLux.  Then, if you go into your account and click on the Bounty tab, you will be taken to a list of simple tasks that you can perform to receive “Bounties” or rewards for doing them.  There are a bunch of them and they entail publicizing CryptoLux on social media.  The rewards don’t seem that great to me.  However, if you are a regular user of social media (I’m not), the tasks that are required to earn the Bounties might only take minutes of your time.  So, if you would like to add to your income from CryptoLux and you are a regular user of social media, it would seem to be worth your while to look into this.

CryptoLux recently posted an announcement of its Bounty program that I am repeating below.

CryptoLux Bounty Each user can now fulfill different tasks in the Cabinet under “Bounty” menu item.

Any task performed by the user will be rewarded by us with a combination of USD, BTC, LTC, ETH, CLX and Lots.

The prices for each bounty vary depending on the effort.

The most tasks are very simple and can be accomplished within a few minutes.

This way, every user can make some additional money and pay it directly to his account.

Making money through referral, crypto trading, cold storage and bounties?

Yes, that’s CryptoLux! 

Here is what you will see when you enter your account and click on the “Bounty” tab.

How does it work?

With the help of our Bounty system you can earn money, coins or other great things with easy, small and fast tasks.

Just look at the list of bounties below, where you will find all available tasks and their requirements and rewards.

If you have found a task that you like, you can start it by clicking on “Get reward“.

In the new window you will find all requirements for the selected bounty. All requirements must be fulfilled and the necessary data has to be provided by you in the specified form.

Your bounty will then be checked by an employee and if all your requirements have been met, you will be credited the appropriate prizes to your account.

  1. Select bounty
  2. Meet requirements
  3. Wait for the confirmation of a CryptoLux employee
  4. Cash in your reward

It has never been so easy to make money!


If one of the paying programs on our Monitor appeals to you, please support EmilyNews by registering for it on our website. Thanks very very much!


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