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News Commentary #405 – A Few More Thoughts About ETHMine


We reviewed ETHMine close to two months ago.  So, it is now one of our longer surviving programs.  I just happened to take a look at our review and realized that we missed something and that this something might be the reason the program has turned out to be a survivor.  In the past year or so, unfortunately, the number of HYIPs that survive for a month or longer is very few.  Thankfully, ETHMine is one of them and we hope that it will continue to be with us for much much longer.  Now, what is it about the ETHMine program that I missed that makes me think it might have the recipe for being a long-term survivor?

You might remember that ETHMine offers three different investment plans.  Their minimum investments are as follows:

Starter plan.  $10
Advanced plan.  $5,000
Superior plan.  $20,000

In our review of the program, we pointed out that probably very few online investors will use the Advanced and Superior plans because of the high minimum investments that are required.  In fact, as we indicated in the review, we do not recommend that online investors put this much money into ANY online program.  With all due respect to ETHMine, this is a LOT of money and the information that is typically given about a company’s operation on its website is not an adequate basis for the confidence level required for such a large investment.  Of course, if you are a real adventurer, go for it.  This is only a “recommendation” that we make — for any HYIP with investment plans with these minimum investment requirements.

Assuming that you agree with this logic, this only leaves us with the ETHMine Starter plan.  This plan offers 2.6% interest per day and, like all the ETHMine investment plans, it is runs for a full year, after which your principal is returned to you.  This is a very long-term plan as far as online HYIPs go.  However, it differs from the pack in that you can request the return of your deposit at any time and thereby terminate the plan.  There is only a small 5% penalty for doing this.  In fact, this penalty also applies when your deposit is finally returned at the end of the one-year period.

With all this as an introduction, let’s get into a discussion of the daily net interest (DNI) that this ETHMine investment program pays you.  In our review of the program, we pointed out that, since your deposit is returned to you (for simplicity, we won’t worry about the 5% penalty), all of your daily earnings are profit.  So, in line with that way of thinking, the 2.6% daily interest paid by the program is pure profit or net interest — your daily net interest or DNI.

This is as far as we took the discussion in our review.  However, realistically, there is more to it than this.  Although we hope that this won’t be the case, it IS probable (based on the survival rate of other HYIPs) that ETHMine won’t survive for the full year.  So, what happens then?  What will your daily profit be for other survival times?

First of all, for a program that returns 2.6% of your deposit daily, it will take around 39 days (100%/2.6%) for you to break even.  Anything that you earn after that is profit.

Now, assuming the program survives for 60 days, the total gross interest that you will receive in that period will be 156% (60 x 2.6).  If the program closes at this time, you will have received a total net interest of 56% or, dividing that by the 60-day period, an average daily net interest (DNI) of 0.93% (56/60).  As far as HYIPs go, this is a modest — but very sustainable — return.  So, my thinking is that the program might survive for a longer period of time.  Now, let’s assume that the program survives for 90 days.  In this case, the total gross interest that you  receive will increase to 234% (90 x 2.6) and, subtracting 100% from this, the total net interest that you will receive in this period will be 134%.   Finally, dividing this by 90 days, you come up with a DNI of 1.49% (134/90).  So, as you would expect, the DNI increases the longer the program is around.  A DNI at this level might also be sustainable.  We only start to question the survivability of an HYIP when the investment plans that it offers have DNIs greater than 2%.

Well, finally, here is what happens to the DNIs of the ETHMine investment plan as you push the closure date further and further into the future.

DNI for different closure dates:

Days    DNI

60        0.93%
90        1.49%
120      1.77%
150      1.93%
180      2.04%
210      2.12%
240      2.18%
270      2.23%
300      2.27%
330      2.30%
360      2.32%

Finally, if the program DOES survive for the full year and your deposit is returned to you, then the DNI that you would have earned will, of course, average out to the 2.6% daily interest you have been receiving (minus the 5% withdrawal fee).

Looking at all these numbers, the investor has to decide for himself when and if he thinks the company will pull the plug.  Can it, indeed, afford to stay in business long enough for a person to complete the full investment cycle?  Remember that 2.6% interest daily amounts to nearly 20% per week or, for the full year, around 950%!  That’s a LOT!  If you invest $100 in this program, by the end of the year you will receive $950 in interest earnings PLUS you will get your $100 investment back.

In defense of the ETHMine investment plan, we must say that, even though the DNIs that go along with it are on the high side and bring the survivability of the program into question, they are NOT obscenely high as is the case with many online HYIPs.  Can ETHMine survive for the full year of the program?  That, of course, is the question that the potential investor will have to answer for himself.  Perhaps the sensible answer is not a simple “yes” or “no.”  Perhaps the investor should decide how LONG he thinks ETHMine will survive and then, if it does indeed survive that length of time, withdraw his deposit and be done with the program.  And, NOT be tempted to stick with it any longer.  THAT will require a bit of self-discipline.  However, ETHMine offers that possibility to you.  It would be worth your while to seriously consider taking advantage of it.

Finally, to return to my remarks in the first paragraph of this article: what is it that I think might help ETHMine to be a long-term survivor?  Plain and simple, at least for a half year or so, the DNIs that the program will be paying its investors are within reason and, with good management practices, it might be possible for the company to sustain them.  That’s the good news.  However, as the program matures and the effective DNI increases, it will become increasingly hard for the company to continue to sustain payments.  A saving grace is that, although the program is long term, it is NOT perpetual.  So, at the expiration of the investment plan after the one-year period, an investor will have to add NEW money to the program.  That is always helpful…

I hope these additional thoughts on the ETHMine investment plan are helpful to you.  Good Luck!


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