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News Commentary #1,809 – Henbbo Ventures | Crypto Expo DUBAI 2022 ?

Henbbo Ventures platform (reviewed here) made another announcement and informed all the members and potential investors of “Crypto Expo DUBAI” event which was held recently in November (15 – 16).

As usual, few photo materials were shown, so that you could familiarize yourself with them and make your own opinion on further participation in the platform.

Click the Link to watch the video.

Here’s the news:


💎International Crypto Expo Dubai is one of the world’s largest crypto events. It has traditionally focused on blockchain, cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency exchanges, decentralized finance, mining, payment systems, smart contracts and financial investments.

📈This year the list of participants was supplemented by several projects in the field of NFT and digital art. This once again confirms the relevance and interest of the crypto community in these areas.

📆International Crypto Expo Dubai 2022 was held this fall from November 15 to 16 at the Jumeirah Emirates Towers Business Center, Dubai. More than 250 different digital companies from around the world participated in the summit.

💡The most interesting and relevant topics covered by the speakers invited to the conference were:

  • – blockchain technology development trends;
  • – ensuring secure storage of cryptocurrencies;
  • – decentralized trading and investing via blockchain;
  • – processes of institutionalization and supervision of the cryptocurrency market.

🤝At the summit Henbbo demonstrated a number of its partnership projects and developments in the field of decentralized transactions. It was also the first time at such an open event that the fund presented several joint Digital Art and NFT projects for a total value of about $2.7 million.

💰At the summit Henbbo has raised over $6.3 million in direct investment in the fund’s programs and new joint projects. In addition, several meetings with interested investors are planned before the end of this year.

💲Henbbo – smart investment will change your life!

Check other news for today and Please stand by..


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