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AdvanceTrading – Review Part 1

This project was moved on HOLD with PROBLEM status! Wait for further updates…

Today we continue with AdvanceTrading platform. You remember, that in our previous (“First Thoughts”) article about AdvanceTrading a “SILVER” list program we checked the project description and briefly looked through the investment plans.

Here’s the brief reminder:

At the moment it offers you two kind of investment categories: Algorithmic and Professional trading.

The difference of them is that all of the plans of Algorithmic trading are FOREVER plans with option to withdraw your Principal anytime you want with 0% fee. Not bad, right?

The Professional trading category plans run for particular number of days and have Principal back After the end of the deposit term.

Below I will illustrate both categories for you:

Algorithmic crypto trading

  • Profits accrue every second
  • Principal back at any time
  • Low return on investment


  • 0.5% daily ($50 – $4999 USDT)
  • 0.6% daily ($5000 – $24999 USDT)
  • 0.7% daily ($25000 – $99999 USDT)
  • 0.8% daily ($100000 – $249999 USDT)
  • 0.9% daily ($250000 – $499999 USDT)
  • 1.0% daily ($500000 – unlimited USDT)

Professional crypto trading

  • Profits accrue every day
  • Principal back after the end of the deposit
  • Average return on investment


  • 0.75% daily for 40 days ($50 – $4999 USDT)
  • 1.0% daily for 40 days ($5000 – $24999 USDT)
  • 1.25% daily for 40 days ($25000 – $99999 USDT)
  • 1.5% daily for 50 days ($100000 – $249999 USDT)
  • 1.75% daily for 50 days ($250000 – $499999 USDT)
  • 2.0% daily for 50 days ($500000 – unlimited USDT)

It’s not that hard to predict that the first plans of both categories, which have a minimum and maximum investment range of $50 – $4999 are those plans 95% of all deposits go to.

Let’s check in details both plans (0.5% daily forever and 0.75% daily for 40 days).

0.5% Daily Forever

  • Your Break Even – in 200 days.
  • Your Net Profit begins in 200 days and last as long as platform is alive. 
  • Total Gross Interest (Total Return) = unlimited (depends on lifetime)
  • DNI depends on lifetime.

0.75% Daily for 40 Days

  • Your Break Even – in 40 days (when Principal is returned).
  • Your Net Profit 30% (0.75% x 40 days). 
  • Total Gross Interest (Total Return) = 130% , (30% Net Profit + 100% Principal Back)
  • DNI – If you divide your Net Profit (30%) by 40 days of this investment plan – you will get a DNI (equal to daily return as it mostly happens in Principal Back plans) ~ 0.75%. Thus you can classify it as a LOW interest investment plan.

I remind that both groups of plans have an online calculator that helps you better navigate over these plans. 

Well done, now you can see how two of AdvanceTrading investment plans from two different groups work exactly. In the second part of this review, we will provide more details, features and terms of use…

Check other news for today and Please stand by..


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