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News Commentary #17 — Bike for Me and Coin Transfer

Bike for Me Announces New Investment Program.

Bike for Me just announced a new investment program. It’s a very simple one and pays 3% interest for 50 days, a total of 150%. Since your principal is not returned, you earn a net profit of 50% for the 50 day period. This plan replaces their previous 70 day program that had an interest rate which increased as the weeks went by. We described that program in detail in our Review of Bike for Me and you can read it here. The new program is much simpler to understand. Following is the complete text of the Bike for Me announcement: Team presents you a new investment solution: Investment plan «Free Life» providing daily 3% of profitability during 50 calendar days. Total profitability is 150%, then plan stops its work and if you want to continue cooperation with, you should make a new deposit to this plan.

Speaking about investors, who have made deposits to a-70-day plan for 160% of the total profitability, this plan will be active only for these investors. All new investments to can be invested only to «Free Life» as at the present moment this investment plan is common for all company investors.

We would also like to share good news with you that the total investment amount at the present moment has exceeded $ 50,000 confirming our leadership in this industry and proves a high level of credibility of our investors. As those investors, who cooperate with us since the launch of online program, have already returned their investments and continue receiving net income!

Company has passed to a new development level, finding the possibilities to make cooperation more beneficial and profitable. We are on the right way. And all those, who share this process with us, will reach prosperity and confidence in the future.

Sincerely, Administration.

Coin Transfer Announces Addition of Spanish Translation.

Well, they did it again. Coin Transfer has added still another translation of their website. This time it’s Spanish. The way I see it, that’s a extremely important addition as a very large number of countries speak that language, all of South America, in fact (with the exception of Brazil). Congratulations to the Coin Transfer team!

The complete text of their announcement follows:

¡Hola amigos! ¿Cómo te va? As recently promised, we have implemented the Spanish language on our website. The Coin Transfer system is now available in yet another world language. According to statistics, millions of people around the globe are planning to start learning Spanish next week – and we speak it already! So if you prefer to communicate in this beautiful Romance language – ¡bienvenido! Welcome to the Spanish version of the Coin Transfer system!

On another happy note: we are glad to report that the total number of the project participants and partners has passed the 6900 mark! We are growing by the day.

Best regards, the Coin Transfer Team

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