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News Commentary #1,737 – Arbill | Affiliate Program Change | Part 2

Today i would like us to check the second part of recent update from Arbill (reviewed here) about their Affiliate program changes. I remind you that few days ago we published this update with the first part (read here) of this info.

*I do not know if this absolutely new concept will find a large feedback from investors but it’s rather interesting to see the transformation from regular hyip into something different. We will see how they go futher..

So let’s read the second part which illustrates more the examples of what was posted in the first one:

Arbill applies a multi-level form to the amount of commissions as follows:

  • F1: 50%
  • F2: 30%
  • F3: 10%
  • F4: 5%
  • F5: 3%
  • F6:1%

Example 1:

Project A has the following parameters:

  • Intrest Period: 6 days
  • Principal Lock Time: 30 days (term project)
  • Sharing Commission: 5%

Contract with value is $1000 will have:

  • Total commission amount: $1000 x 5% = $50

Total commissions for levels:

  • F1: 50% x $50 = $25
  • F2: 30% x $50 = $15
  • F3: 10% x $50 = $5
  • F4: 5% x $50 = $2.5
  • F5: 3% x $50 = $1.5
  • F6: 1% x $50 = $0.5

Number of commission payments: Pricipal Lock Time / Interest Period = 5 times.

Commission amount per payment:

  • F1: $25 / 5 = $5
  • F2: $15 / 5 = $3
  • F3: $5 / 5 = $1
  • F4: $2.5 / 5 = $0.5
  • F5: $1.5 / 5 = $0.3
  • F6: $0.5 / 5 = $0.1

Example 2:

Project B has the following parameters:

  • Intrest Period: 5 days
  • Principal Lock Time: Forever (non-term project)
  • Sharing Commission: 3%
  • Number of commission payment: 10 times

Contract with value is $5000 will have:

  • Total commission amount: $5000 x 5% = $150

Total commissions for levels:

  • F1: 50% x $150 = $75
  • F2: 30% x $150 = $45
  • F3: 10% x $150 = $15
  • F4: 5% x $150 = $7.5
  • F5: 3% x $150 = $4.5
  • F6: 1% x $150 = $1.5

Commission amount per payment:

  • F1: $75 / 10 = $7.5
  • F2: $45 / 10 = $4.5
  • F3: $15 / 10 = $1.5
  • F4: $7.5 / 10 = $0.75
  • F5: $4.5 / 10 = $0.45
  • F6: $1.5 / 10 = $0.15

We hope that with the new policy, the combination of project owners and promoters will help us grow strongly and Arbilliances will have more effective passive investment channels.

Check other news for today and Please stand by..


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