With the change of role and mission in version 2.0 becoming the connecting platform, Arbill affiliate program is also updated. We will assign the full right to distribute the commission to the project owner. For each project, the project owner will have the right to decide how much to share with the promoters. This policy is effective from August 13, 2022.

Why policy changed?

Arbill is no longer the party that directly pays interest to investors, instead, the project owners are the ones help investors make a profit. We believe that each project will have a more attractive commission share than what Arbill has done before.

How does the new policy apply?

Upon initialization, the project owner will fill a Sharing Commission which is the share percentage for the referrer with each contract created. Sharing Commission is calculated according to the contract value. The allocation of commissions will be paid according to interest payments to investors for term projects. For non-term projects, the project owner will decide the number of commission allocations.

The Sharing Commission value of each project we shown on each project on the listing.