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Crypto Exchange Attacked After Halting Services in Russia

Source: Adobe/profit_image, a Belarus-based online crypto trading platform, said it became a target of a failed cyber-attack on the day the exchange announced it was halting services for residents of Russia.

The exchange confirmed the attack in a press release, detailing that it was a distributed “denial of service” (DDoS) cyber-attack attempted on April 12. “The attack was unsuccessful and no customer accounts or data were compromised during the incident,” the company said.

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is a form of malicious attempt where an attacker floods a server with internet traffic to prevent users from accessing connected online services and sites.

The exchange said it took immediate action to ensure its cyber security systems were not affected, notified authorities, and alarmed its global network of IT professionals. As of now, the company’s servers are up and running.

As reported, the exchange announced on April 12 that it is stopping its services to Russia’s residents due to the country’s conflict with Ukraine.

The company, which has offices in Cyprus, US, UK, and Gibraltar, said it has donated over USD 1m to humanitarian charities.

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