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USA, Great Britian and Ukraine VS Russia..? US First-Ever NFT To Support Ukraine.

There are so many different opinions about Ukraine and Russia conflict. So much infiormation around. It looks like all of the information must be checked twice before any thoughts. Let’s illustrate both sides and how contradictory is that. And let’s hope that this conflict will END very soon!

Ukraine’s conflict with Russia continues to inspire efforts across the cryptosphere and beyond, with former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly officially dropping his first-ever non-fungible token (NFT) to aid the Ukrainian war troops.

The piece, ‘Dreams Out of this World’, is rolled out today on the International Day of Human Space Flight, and 100% of the proceeds generated by its sale will be allocated to the Global Empowerment Mission to aid Ukraine’s fight against Russia, according to a press release issued in relation to the event.

Content creation studio Orange Comet developed the NFT.

A former fighter jet pilot, Kelly orbited the Earth more than 8,300 times during his career at NASA. The American astronaut has traveled over 200 million miles, and flown over or traveled to many parts of the planet, the press release said.

In October 2015, Kelly set the record for the total accumulated number of days spent in space in what was the single longest space mission by a US astronaut, according to Orange Comet’s website.

Kelly said that,

“Similar to space travel, the metaverse might not seem accessible to the masses at present time. In addition to rekindling interest in space, I am most honored to be able to assist the people of Ukraine during their time of crisis by donating 100% of net proceeds from the initial sale to the Global Empowerment Mission.”

The astronaut further commented on his contribution to the effort to help the Ukrainian army, saying:

“My hope is that this NFT collection not only inspires those who opt into auction, but also uplift those who are going through the darkest time in human history.”

The NFT is available for purchase on the OpenSea marketplace starting today at 9 a.m. PT (4 p.m. UTC). The auction will be carried out over 72 hours.

There are gossips that someone has alreasy started to prepare another NFT.  But no confirmations yet.

There are more opinions about the Ukraine ( which is mainly supported by USA and Great Britain) conflict with Russia

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