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News Commentary #1,588 – MidoFinance | Webinars In French / Vietnamese ..?

MidoFinance platform (reviewed here) reminded the clients of recently hold webinars. This time, for those who could miss any of them, recorded videos were done and offered to watch. 

MidoFinance has been working online for more than 720 days already. Most of that time it was on so-called “sleeping mode”. For more than 145 days – on EN monitor. Both are definitely good results.

Now let’s check webinars’ news updates (*with included videos):

Video recording of the webinar in Vietnamese, which took place on February 03, 2022

Video is available at the link:

From the Mido Finance team, best wishes




Video recording of the webinar in French, which took place on February 03, 2022

We publish a recording of the webinar, held by the famous blogger Christian Blanchard.

Video is available at the link:

From the Mido Finance team, best wishes



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