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News Commentary #85 — FexFund and Biksbit

Representative Program and Other News from FexFund.

A Chinese translation of the FexFund website was just completed and Vietnamese is on the way.  FexFund also removed the requirement that their Representatives have a minimum deposit of $500.  Makes sense, I suppose, as there are folks who might not have the funds for investment but who might be accomplished recruiters.  And, a few comments on the recent delays in processing Bitcoin transactions.  Here’s the text of the information-packed news release from FexFund.

As we have promised, we are adding one more language today – Chinese. Vietnamese one will be added today in the evening time or tomorrow morning as we are still waiting for our translator to come back to us.

We also have some news for you. The biggest one is that we have decided to remove $500 requirement for Representative application. We are aware that some of the promoters are not necessarily investors and this requirement might scare them. So from now on if you want to be the Representative, the only requirement is to have 5 active direct referrals.

Why is Representative function so great in here? Because you can earn 10% commission, credited on your account balance instantly (while users with no deposits or deposits less than $500 have to wait 2 days for their commission to be credited.) Also, there are a lot of users which are signing up with no referral link and we are doing the draw and give those as referrals for our Representatives.

Meanwhile, there is more and more around the internet 🙂 We have been reviewed by few more sites:

And probably many more I’m not aware of 🙂

You can probably see some banners of FexFund floating around. Our advertising team works their best to announce that we are here and we are here to stay!

I would like to apologize for recent “Bitcoin Drama” as we are calling this kind of situation in our office. Yesterday, the wallet we use CoinPayments had a serious hickup in terms of withdrawing money. So some people got scared that we don’t pay instantly anymore. We do pay instantly all the time. When you press Withdraw button money goes out of our accounts straight away. With Bitcoin, you can see the internal Coinpayments tracking number and then Bitcoin TX number in your Withdraw history under a link icon. If you see the Coinpayments tracking number then it means your withdrawal is already placed and waiting for Bitcoin network reaction. There is not much we can do about it so if this kind of situation happens again just please wait.

A little update from recent market opportunities – did you know that Ripple almost doubled their value? Well we did know so we have secured a “bit more” funds for our investors 🙂

I didn’t mean to bore you so I better finish up this newsletter now. I wish you all a great day.

George Soleos
CEO of


Biksbit adds Russian Translation of Its Website.

Dear Biksbit partner,

We have a wonderful news item for you on this spring day: Russian language was added to the company’s website, one of the most widespread languages in the world – the sixth language according to the number of speakers. Without fake modesty, we are proud of the results of Biksbit, of making the lives of our partners, friends and investors better with stable high dividends and financial independence. Today, even more friends will join us, as adding Russian location will facilitate the growth of interest of a large number of new partners, for whom Russian is a native language. Biksbit appreciates each and every partner, it guarantees a fixed high passive income for all of its investors.

Let us make our lives better and brighter with Biksbit!


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