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News Commentary #50 — Legend Investment and Merchant Invest

Legend Investment Announces Deposit Bonus Lottery.

Legend Investment has increased its deposit bonus lottery of 5% – 20% up to 15% – 25%.  But, this is only from April 4 to April 6.  If you are thinking of putting some money into Legend Investment or of adding to your deposit with them, now might be the time to do it!  Lottery is 50/50 probability.  You can’t do much better than that as far as lotteries go.  Here’s the Legend Investment announcement:

Our one-day bonus lottery becomes super lucrative.

Everyone knows that we give a 5% to 20% bonus for each deposit. But from 4th to 6th April, we are offering a bonus of 15% to 25% with a 50/50 probability. Hurry up now! Don’t let this chance slip by. Take advantage of these favorable conditions and top up your own deposit in the best investment company right now.


Merchant Invest Announces “Premium” Plan.

Here’s the announcement:

Dear partners, new PREMIUM plan is available – 5% daily for 30 days, minimum deposit is $500 = 150% ROI in 30 days! Nice day, Logan Howe

It’s useful to compare this new program with the existing Merchant Invest program which pays 3% daily for 60 days, a total of 180% for the 60 day period.

The bottom line is that, if you can afford the minimum investment amount of $500, the new program is the way to go.  After 30 days you have 50% pure profit.  If you then invest your principal for another 30 days, you will earn another 50%.  That’s 100% pure profit compared to 80% with the existing program.

It can even get better than that if you invest the profit from the first 30 days with your original principal that you are reinvesting for the second 30 days.  Here’s the way it would work out for an investment of $500.

3% Plan:
180% after 60 days = $900.  $400 pure profit.
$400 total profit

5% Plan:
150% after first 30 days = $750.  $250 pure profit.
150% after second 30 days = $750.  $250 pure profit.
$500 total profit

5% plan (reinvest profit after first 30 days)
150% after first 30 days = $750.  $250 pure profit.
150% after second 30 days (on investment of $750) = $1,125.  $625 pure profit.
$875 total profit

So, if you reinvest your earnings after 30 days, the new program can pay you over TWICE as much as the original program.  Of course, this puts your earnings for the first 30 days at risk for another 30 days.  That’s always the trade off when deciding whether or not to “compound” your earnings.  So, although this is a much more lucrative option in the long run, it is also considerably more risky.

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