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RubyRoi – Review Part 1

As you may remember, in our previous (“First Thoughts”) article about RubyRoi – a “SILVER” listing program, we saw the project description and briefly looked through the one investment plan it offers.

Here is how it was:

Now, what can we say about investment plans offered to regular investor?

12% Every Day for 12 Working Days 

It’s important to note that a 44% Net monthly return might appear unusually high when thinking about conventional investment choices. However, in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, influenced by unpredictable markets and constant price fluctuations, attaining such returns is possible with the power of AI (Artificial Intelligence).

As you see there is the ONLY one investment plan that an investor can take and join this program. Based on a minimum investment of $20, most investors will be able to participate and check daily payouts.

Let’s check some of the results (in monetary terms) that this (Basic) plan can give you..

We need to convert business days to calendar days by multiplying the number of business days by a 30/22 conversion factor. If you do so, you get ~16.4 calendar days. We can round it up to 16 days for further simplicity.

RubyRoi offers the plan with 12% per day interest rate. Let’s check when we break even here. We divide 100% by the 12% and get ~8.3 days. As far as the plan runs 12 working days, we can see that there is ~4 more days for getting Net Profit.

Since the Total Gross Interest you receive here is 144%, your Net Profit will be 44%.

Next step is to look at it through our DNI (Daily Net Interest) filter to see the level of profitability.

*I remind you to read EN HYIP Insights article #12 Part 3 and Part 4, explaining this kind of thing for all investors. 

If we divide our Net Profit (44%) by 16 calendar days of investment plan, then we get a DNI of 2.75%. This is the HIGH interest plan. This can be attractive to different types (adventurous and conservative) of investors.

OK, that’s enough for now.  I am sure that this information gave you some points to think about.  In Part 2 of this review we will check terms, rules and additional information that will be helpful to potential investors. Part 2 will be published Soon..

Check other news for today and Please stand by..


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