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Rewline – Review Part 1

Today, we are going to continue with Rewline platform. You remember that in our previous (“First Thoughts”) article about Rewline a “GOLD” listing platform, we checked the description and briefly looked through offered investment plans..

Here are some points from previous article:

  • Rewline offers 3 plans with different yields, where each plan allows you to earn a percentage of your income on a regular basis. Join our affiliate program and start earning today!

  • Plan 1; Profit per day 1%; Term: 10 days; Min deposit: $30-$500; Withdrawal: daily

  • Plan 2; Profit per day 1.5%; Term: 20 days; Min deposit: $501-$2000; Withdrawal: daily

  • Plan 3; Profit per day 2%; Term: 40 days; Min deposit: $2001-$5000; Withdrawal: daily

As you can see your plan will be integrated based on your deposit amount. The good thing is that all types of investors will be able to join and to try their luck here…

Let’s talk about the most popular plan here which is obviously in my opinion is Plan 1 – “Profit per day 1%.

Since this is a daily (calendar-days) plan, we do not need a conversion factor of 30/22 (calendar days/business days). So we can move right to our usual math..

As it often happens in “Principal Back” / (*Capital Return) plans we break even at the end of plan – meaning in 10 days. Your Net Profit will be (1% x 10 days) = 10%.  

Your Total Gross Interest is 10% + 100% = 110% . This is your Total Return (ROI)

The next step is to calculate a DNI (Daily Net Interest). If you are a new here – please read EN HYIP Insights article #12 Part 3 and Part 4, then you will be able to understand what that is a bit better..

If we divide Net Profit (10%) by 10 days of this investment plan – we will get BACK our daily return and in plans like that (“Principal Back” plans) – it’s also our DNI (1% in our case). By our DNI standards we are dealing with bottom line of Medium interest plan.

OK, i hope that the example above will be useful to most potential investors. Additional information of Rewline will be provided in Part 2.. 

Check other news for today and Please stand by..


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