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News Commentary #1,964 – Henbbo Ventures | Henbbo token Price 10 times up?

Henbbo Ventures platform (reviewed here) has added another piece of news regarding their own self-made token HNBT. They keep mentioning it pretty often in news and updates so hopefully ( as some investors wanna believe ) it will reflect in platform’s popularity and finance results for their (users) benefit.

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The price of the Henbbo token has increased almost 10 times thanks to major investors.
In early October of this year, the Henbbo fund began selling its own token, HNBT, on its online platform. During the first sale alone, proceeds exceeded $450,000.

This is a real success for the entire Henbbo team! And we actively continue to develop it further. During the Initial DEX Offering (IDO) early-stage buying cycle, our team prepared everything necessary for the listing of HNBT on major cryptocurrency exchanges immediately after the ICO.

By meeting all mandatory requirements of crypto platforms, Henbbo significantly increased the security and strengthened the infrastructure of its coin. This was positively received by investors, especially major ones.

Increased interest in HNBT from large crypto companies and funds contributed to the rapid growth of the coin. Remember that HNBT entered the market at $0.15, and now, just 2.5 months later, its price is around $1.4. Thus, the growth has already exceeded 930%.

Like any other altcoin, the price of HNBT depends on demand growth. Considering the advantages of our token for investors, the current forecast for stable growth is at the level of 15-20% per month.

In addition, the announced initial price will be significantly increased in the near future. This will be triggered by the signing of a series of new contracts, already in the final stages of preparation. In percentage terms, the coin’s value will exceed the starting value by 7000% – 9000%.

Those who have not yet invested in HNBT can still do so now by purchasing the coin on our online platform. And if you want to get excellent profit, it’s worth doing it immediately.

Henbbo – smart investments will change your life!

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