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News Commentary #1,920 – Henbbo Ventures | Bitcoin Conference in Miami

Henbbo Ventures program (reviewed here) in one of its recent activities informed of Bitcoin 2023 conference which took place on the U.S. coast. As claimed by the platform much attention was paid to it and cooperation agreements made. Below you will be able to see photo materials provided as well.

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Here’s the details:



On May 18, a new phase of the Bitcoin 2023 conference took place on the U.S. coast. The Miami Beach Convention Center’s main convention center on May 18-20 was the largest arena that brought together leaders, businessmen, and enthusiasts in the bitcoin industry.
A total of about 400 companies participated in the conference. More than 150 speakers and headliners took the floor during the 3 days of the event. In addition, participants had the opportunity to see presentations by leading bitcoin companies, trading platforms, bitcoin games, an NFT art gallery and much more. 
The most popular topic of the conference was the integration of bitcoin into the global and regional economy. Digital currencies are becoming more and more popular, and many countries are launching processes of their legalization. Therefore, the cryptocurrency community is actively discussing what principles and how cryptocurrencies will be fully integrated into the financial system.
Investment and decentralization were also at the peak of discussions. Most of the speakers emphasized that it is very important where and how to properly invest the earned money to increase profits.
Investment was the main focus of the Henbbo Foundation program at the Bitcoin 2023 conference. This was reflected both in the company’s presentation materials and in the reports of our representatives, who spoke at the conference.
Much attention was paid by Henbbo fund to direct contacts with other participants, investors and businessmen. Over the past 3 days our representatives were able not only to hold more than 30 corporate negotiations and consultations, but also to conclude a number of cooperation agreements.
The fund management highly appreciated the results of participation in the Bitcoin 2023 conference. Our platform aroused keen interest among new crypto-investors. As a result, Henbbo has already received $4.3 million in new investments during the conference, and several more contracts totaling $3.2 million are under approval.
Henbbo – smart investment will change your life!


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