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News Commentary #394 – Buratos Online for Over One-Half Year

The Longest Lived-Program on EmilyNews.

By far, Buratos (reviewed here) is the longest-lived program featured on the EmilyNews monitor.  We reviewed it in early October of last year and, according to the website, it has been online for around 190 days — over one-half year.  This is significantly longer than any other program we are monitoring.  I checked another major HYIP monitor and it has also been online longer than any programs listed there as well.

In our “First Thoughts” article about the program, I remarked how impressed I was with the simplicity of the program.  No bells and whistles at all.  However, I also noted that this simplicity might be a sign that the website had been slapped together by some guy sitting in his home office with no real business going on to back it up.  Here is what we said about the company in our First Thoughts article:

Buratos recently began a “Gold” listing on the EmilyNews monitor.  I love the website for this company; it is SO simple.  Everything is there on the home page “above the fold.”  You don’t have to scroll down even a fraction of an inch to see all the information.  A person looking the website over will either admire the company for keeping things very very simple or they will conclude that it is something a person slapped together in a lazy afternoon when he had nothing better to do.  Of course, you will have to make your own decision on this…

Well, whether or not Buratos is for real, it is impossible to deny that the program is a survivor.  I would say that it is a CHAMPION in this respect.  One reason for this success is that the investment plans it offers have very sensible interest rates, with DNIs in the neighborhood of 1%.  As I am sure that you recall, we have at many times suggested that programs with investment plans having a DNI (daily net interest) of 1% or less will have a high chance of long-term survival.  Please see HYIP Insights #12 for more information on this.

You may have forgotten that Buratos did a major revision to its investment plans at the beginning of the year.  Originally, the plans were one year in duration and returned your deposit as part of your earnings.  The revision shortened the plans to 100 days and now includes returning your deposit at the end of the investment term.  We described these changes in detail in our News Commentary #315 that you can read here.  This revision increased the returns for investors while still keeping them within the range that should permit the program to be a long-term survivor.

Interestingly, this program isn’t very popular.  I suspect that this is because the website isn’t particularly attractive.  In the case of Buratos, the old adage, “you can’t judge a book by its cover,” appears to be very true.  So, although nothing is for sure in the HYIP game, we would like to think that Buratos has, indeed, made a commitment to long-term survival and that they will be with us for a long time to come.

Although, this Commentary is a favorable one, please do NOT regard it as an endorsement.  We will NEVER endorse or promote any HYIP.  All we try to do is report the facts — pro and con.  In this case, there is good news to tell: Buratos appears to be one of the longest-term survivors online in the HYIP business right now!


If one of the paying programs on our Monitor appeals to you, please support EmilyNews by registering for it on our website. Thanks very very much!


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