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News Commentary #1,820 – Henbbo Ventures Wishes Happy New Year?

Henbbo Ventures platform (reviewed here) congratulates all the partners and investors with the New Year and reminds you about announced vacation period from December 30 to January 8.

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Here’s the announcement:


🎉The management and all the team of Henbbo Foundation congratulates our partners and investors with the New Year!

💎We wish all of you that in the new year your most daring plans come true, your most interesting ideas become projects, and your most challenging goals are achieved! Good luck in everything, believe in your own strength and success in our joint efforts.

❤️May this year bring you great achievements in personal and professional spheres! And cooperation with Henbbo will ensure your financial independence in the future as well!

📈Henbbo Foundation is happy to report about its achievements of the passing year. Despite the global financial and economic crisis, we managed not only to avoid the decline in the last year, but even to increase the total capitalization of the company by 12%. Total turnover compared with the previous year was increased by 14.5% to 152 million dollars.

💰During the year Henbbo took part in many international crypto events. We reported on some of them earlier. This allowed us to launch several new collaborative startups in NFT, decentralized blockchain and WEB 3.0. These projects have generated more than $45 million in additional direct investment in 2022.

⬆️Diversification of the company’s income, despite the negative sentiment in the market, allowed us to maintain the most favorable conditions for the placement of financial resources for investors. According to the company’s business plan, all of them will be preserved next year as well.

📆We would like to draw your attention to the fact that traditionally our company will be on New Year’s vacation from December 30 to January 8. During this period, the accrual of remuneration for stakings will be suspended. And from January 9, we work as usual.

✅See you in the New Year 2023!

💲Henbbo – smart investment will change your life!

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