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AdvanceTrading – Review Part 2

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In one of our previous articles – AdvanceTrading Review Part 1 (read here) we provided you with some simple investment plan math so that you better understand what kind of profit this platform offers to participants. Now, you can also see the risk reward ratio better. That is very important part for most online investors.

Here’s what we said:

Let’s check in details both plans (0.5% daily forever and 0.75% daily for 40 days).

0.5% Daily Forever

  • Your Break Even – in 200 days.
  • Your Net Profit begins in 200 days and last as long as platform is alive. 
  • Total Gross Interest (Total Return) = unlimited (depends on lifetime)
  • DNI depends on lifetime.

0.75% Daily for 40 Days

  • Your Break Even – in 40 days (when Principal is returned).
  • Your Net Profit 30% (0.75% x 40 days). 
  • Total Gross Interest (Total Return) = 130% , (30% Net Profit + 100% Principal Back)
  • DNI – If you divide your Net Profit (30%) by 40 days of this investment plan – you will get a DNI (equal to daily return as it mostly happens in Principal Back plans) ~ 0.75%. Thus you can classify it as a LOW interest investment plan.

I remind that both groups of plans have an online calculator that helps you better navigate over these plans. 

Today let’s check out some (most important) conditions that you, as a member of AdvanceTrading, must pay attention to:

How long has the Advance Trading Group been on the market?

The first Advance Trading Company Limited was registered in 2016. That’s when the history of Advance Trading group began. However, the work on the cryptocurrency market began much earlier. The specialists of Advance Trading participated in the formation of cryptocurrency technologies, the work on the trading platform began in 2015.

How to choose an investment strategy?

All investment strategies of Advance Trading are safe and investment-attractive. It all depends on your personal preferences and attitude towards different areas of cryptocurrency business.

Calculate the returns of different strategies and plans, assess the risks and make a choice. Regardless of your choice, we will do our best to maximize your profits.

What is algorithmic trading?

Algorithmic trading is a special type of exchange trading in cryptocurrencies, conducted automatically by a specialized software complex – a trading robot. Trading is conducted simultaneously on dozens of leading cryptocurrency exchanges. The program selects the best options and executes transactions in a fraction of a second.

The algorithms are based on the practice of successful exchange operations over dozens of years of work. The trading robot analyzes many factors and makes business decisions based on accurate calculations. Errors caused by the “human factor” are excluded.

Today there are six Algorithmic trading investment offers on the Advance Trading platform. Depending on the size of the deposit, the daily profit will be up to 1%. Accrual and payment of profits to the balance is made every second. The term of the deposit is unlimited, the investor can withdraw it at any time.

The return of the deposit is made within 8 hours after receiving the appropriate request. Fee for the return of the deposit is not charged.

Detailed information about the investment plans of Algorithmic trading can be found on the tab “Algorithmic trading”.

What is Professional Trading?

Professional trading is a stock trading strategy in which investors entrust their funds to professional traders.

Professional trading is a traditional type of trading, which is historically conducted on various exchanges, including cryptocurrency exchanges.

Professionals have special knowledge, experience, the ability to work on all exchanges. Traders need to expertly understand the state and dynamics of the markets, evaluate projects, follow political processes – keep under control all factors that can affect the value of assets. All this allows to get maximum profitability.

Professional traders at Advance Trading are world-class professionals with years of excellent track record.

Does the Professional trading strategy return the deposit after the expiration date?

In the Professional trading strategy, the deposit is automatically refunded after expiration.

How do I withdraw funds from the Advance Trading Platform?

Withdrawal of funds from the platform is made on the Dashboard page “Withdrawal of funds”. Select the cryptocurrency, enter the amount and specify the wallet address. For some types of wallets you need to additionally specify Destination tag or Memo. Make sure you check which network the funds are sent to, if you choose the wrong one, the funds will be lost. If you do not know what network you should choose, please contact technical support and get professional advice.

If you have Payment Password or Google Authenticator activated, “Withdrawal confirmation” field will be active. Confirm the withdrawal, and the funds will be deposited to your account.

Are there any withdrawal fees for the Advance Trading platform?

On the Advance Trading Platform there are fixed limits on deposits and withdrawals and withdrawal fees. See the Fees section for up to date fees. Before withdrawing funds, check the fees set for your cryptocurrency. Advance Trading does not consider withdrawal fees as a source of income, the fees are set at a minimum level, based on the fees in the cryptocurrency blockchain.

How fast are withdrawals from Advance Trading’s platform?

In most cases, funds are sent to your account instantly. Advance Trading guarantees that funds are sent within 24 hours of receiving your withdrawal request. If the funds are not credited to your account within 72 hours, please contact our support team.

Will I get a referral bonus if a referral reinvests funds from the account balance?

Referral bonuses are awarded for any investments made by your referral regardless of the source of funds, including investments paid from your account balance.

AdvanceTrading has a list of social networks for communiction with its members:

At the same time they have a website support form and the email you can use :

I think, this part has also saved your time and now you can better see all the conditions which may be used in this platform based on your investment strategy..

Hopefully we will continue to receive more intereting news and updates from them for a long time…

Check other news for today and Please stand by..


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