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News Commentary #1,651 – MidoFinance | Android And iOS Application..?

MidoFinance platform (reviewed here) has announced a closed beta testing of their application with participation of limited amount of members which received earlier (as they claim) emails with invitations for this “beta-testing”.

Well, if you are one of those chosen members – comment below and attach some screenshots of this application, that would be very interesting for other investors for sure, i guess..

Here’s the news update:

We start testing our application for Android and iOS

We are beginning closed beta testing of our application. Today, 200 users of Android and iOS devices received an email from our email address with an offer to join the testing of our application.

Each user participating in testing must fill out a questionnaire with a list of questions. It will be the responsibility of the testers to prepare a weekly report on the work with the application, as well as the obligation to immediately report any errors or shortcomings of the application. After beta testing, each participant will receive a cash reward. Each tester will also be rewarded for the identified bugs.

If you have received an email from email with an invitation to beta test, you need to send the questionnaire in a return letter and be sent further instructions. Applications must be submitted by April 20th. If you refuse to participate in testing, then ignore this letter.

After testing is completed, the application will be released to the public and available to all users.

Best regards from the Mido Finance team.

Check other news for today and Please stand by..


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