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Seallex – Review Part 1

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You may remember, that several days ago EN published the “First Thoughts” article about Seallex – “DIAMOND” listing platform. We checked how the website is designed and got some infomation from it. We also briefly looked into investment plans. Let’s refresh few things before we continue:

Now let’s check the most important thing – investment offers from Seallex:

Investment proposal

3 – 200 Days investment

0.6% – 1.8%

Daily profit

₮25 – ₮20000

Investment value

Seallex is an investment platform that distributes the investors’ funds among the most promising projects in field of the state-of-the-art technologies.

Particular attention is paid to the companies engaged in development the environmental conservation and clean energy sector.

It would be useful to know that currently DYNAMIC and PARTNER areas are disabled with FIXED area available at the moment ONLY. So for those of you who is already registered OR those who are going to register soon , you will see somethig like that:

You can also pay attention to how FIXED area was designed. The main point here is that all spots are already given with a particular investment amounts in the range of $25 – $250 and in the range of investment periods for 3 – 20 days. And here investor can choose one or more types for his deposit or deposits.

It’s quite clear to me, that during the first stages (cycles) spots with lower periods of time will be used by majority 70% – 80% of investors. With further promotion and gaining more authority and credibility people will start using all of them (spots) based on their personal comfortable timing and by that time Dynamic and Partner areas might be opened and used already.. 

For our example i will take two different of the available investment spots:

  1. ( 0.68% Daily for 5 days [investment amount – ₮31] 103.4% – ROI ) plan 
  2. ( 0.85% Daily for 19 days [investment amount – ₮106] 116.15% – ROI ) plan. 

I remind you that Seallex have rather big range of such spots (investment options) so investors can make as a small deposit in spot of 3-7 days, so a bit bigger one in spots of 8-14 days or 15-21 days… As they say – the choice is yours.

As it usually happens with most “Principal Back” plans, you get your Break Even point when your deposit is returned to you – at the end of the plan. In our case in 5 calendar days OR in 19 calendar days.

Since we can clearly see the Total Gross Interest of both exmaples we took, we can go further to do a simple math and understand other important points here.

  1. Total Gross Interest – 103.4% , Break Even – 5 days, Net Profit – 3.4%, Principal Back
  2. Total Gross Interest – 116.15% , Break Even – 19 days, Net Profit – 16.15%, Principal Back

Let’s check DNI (Daily Net Interest) (read more in EN HYIP Insights article #12 Part 3 and Part 4 about it)..

If you divide 3.4% by 5 days you get the same daily earnings – 0.68% . If you divide 16.15% by 19 days you also get the same daily earnings – 0.85%. In both cases the level of earnings enters the group of LOW interest plans.

Before i interrupt myself, let me also pay your attention to the fact, that making any deposit Seallex offers you a SLC bonus for each invested dollar and every day of the plan’s term. After that you as an investor can exchange these SLC to any other coin you like and withdraw or reinvest it. Here is the announcement under the investment spots:

SLC bonus 0.01 SLC for each ₮1 amount + 0.01 SLC for each day of the term

OK, for those who already joined it – all these points look very simple i believe. Those who are going to join – will see that themselves. In my opinion such “investment spots” model seems to be a good replacement for conventional investment plans as we used to see in most platforms, because both groups conservative and adventurous investors can find the way which allied to them the most. 

That’s enough for this part. I am sure that this information saved your time A LOT. In Part 2 of this review we will check terms, rules and additional information if necessary. Part 2 will be published Soon..

Check other news for today and Please stand by..


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