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News Commentary #1,598 – MidoFinance | Trip To Dubai [Video]..?

Just recently MidoFinance platform (reviewed here) announced and added another video from UAE. As claimed the series of videos are to be continued and this one is the last video from Dubai city, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The video was recorded and all current and potential investors can watch it any time convenient for them. Let’s wish MidoFinance to bring more videos and stay on the same level of activity. 

Here’s the news + video included:

Trip to Dubai – the final video of Lionel Von Burne’s trip to Dubai

We continue to publish a series of videos about our CMO Lionel Von Berne’s visit to Dubai.

This is the last day of Mr. Lionel’s visit to Dubai. On this day, our CMO held an online conference with our users directly from Dubai. Anyone who wished could attend. And if you missed this conference, then check out its recording on our social networks.

📌 Video is available at the link:

We have received good feedback about this series of videos and will definitely shoot new ones with the participation of our leaders.

🤝 Best regards from all employees of Mido Finance

Check other news for today and Please stand by..


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1 thought on “News Commentary #1,598 – MidoFinance | Trip To Dubai [Video]..?

  1. Mido-Finance is a rock solid platform
    I have been investing here since August last year and it is still a good platform
    Withdrawals are paid very quick as well
    I made a new reinvestment of $1500 from account balance as well to keep my profits up always 🙂

    Reinvestment from Account balance – $1500

    Payment batch –

    181.5 Tether TRC-20
    04-09-2022 01:46:54

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