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TheBossProject — Review Part 1

This program moved to CLOSED status! Do not invest there!

TheBossProject Business.

Not very much information is given in the website concerning TheBossProject business.  About all that is said is that they are involved with assets management and, of course, that they have a team of professionals involved with this that are among the best in the business.  The selling point of the company is that this team takes the risk of investment away from the investor.  All that makes sense.  But, a bit more information would be helpful…

A curious thing about the website is that the home page makes reference to a different company called “Incredible Bitcoin Limited.”  No explanation is given of the relationship of this company to TheBossProject.  However, the website is still under construction and my suspicion is that the reference to Bitcoin is left over from a previous project.  I suspect that this will be cleaned up as the website is further developed.

TheBossProject Investment Plans.

In our “First Thoughts” article on TheBossProject (that you can read here), we noted that the program offers a total of six investment plans.  All but one of them are 30 calendar days long, the exception being only 22 days long.  All of them also return your investment as a part of the plan’s daily interest earnings.

The investment plans appear to be fairly well thought out with the daily interest being paid for each of them increasing as the minimum investment likewise increases.  However, noteworthy is that fact that the minimum investment requirements are all quite reasonable.  Even though the highest interest investment plan requires a minimum investment of $5,000, it is still a lot less than the requirements of many HYIPs where an “obscene” investment is required in order to obtain an equally “obscene” interest return (Please see HYIP Insights #14 for a discussion of “obscene” investment plans.  You can read it here.).

Following is a summary of the information given on the website for the six investment plans:

4.55% Daily for 30 Calendar Days
Min: $10   Max: $349
ROI: 136.50%

5.10% Daily for 30 Calendar Days
Min: $350   Max: $899
ROI: 153%

5.55% Daily for 30 Calendar Days
Min: $900   Max: $1499
ROI: 166.50%

6.00% Daily for 30 Calendar Days
Min: $1500 Max: $2499
ROI: 180%

6.50% Daily for 30 Calendar Days
Min: $2500   Max: $4,999
ROI: 195%

7.00% Daily for 22 Calendar Days
Min: $5,000   Max: $50,000
ROI: 154%

Looking at these numbers a few things might hit the reader.  First of all, the interest rates for the last three investment plans are “round” numbers while the interest rates for the first three add a third place of accuracy.  From the point of view of simplicity, it would seem that the interest rates of the first three plans should rather be 4.50%, 5.00%, and 5.50%.  Much simpler and it would save the company a little bit of money on interest payments.  I can think of no good reason for the interest rates that are used.

As already indicated, only the sixth investment plan — the 7% daily plan — has a length of 22 days.  All the others run for 30 days.  This will have a very significant impact on the profitability of that plan which we’ll discuss when we analyze the investment plans.

For now, let’s add a little bit more information to the listing above.  This will enable us to better understand how the investment plans work.  This will take a few quick calculations.  Let’s see what happens for the 4.55% daily program that runs for 30 days.

As already indicated, the total gross interest (or return on investment — ROI) of the program is 136.5%.  You get this by simply multiplying the daily gross interest of 4.55% by 30, the number of days in the plan (4.55 x 30).  Subtracting 100% because your investment if part of this gross return, you get a total net return of 36.5%.  Averaging this out over the 30 day period, you get an effective daily net interest or DNI of 1.22% (36.5/30).  It is important to remember that you do NOT receive this return as cash in your hand.  You DO receive the daily gross interest of 4.55%.  However, since the gross return includes your deposit, the amount of profit you are receiving is only 1.22%.

As you know, during the first part of this type of investment plan you can say that you are getting your investment back.  After you break even, then you are making your profit.  DNI is an imaginary quantity that distributes the profit over the entire length of the investment plan.  Again, as you already know from many discussions in the Emily News blog, it is the BEST way that we have come up with for comparing the profitability of different investment plans.

OK, for this investment plan, if you divide 100% by the daily gross interest of 4.55% that you receive, you will get the number of days it takes the plan to break even.  In this case, it is 22 days.  So, during the last eight days of the plan is when you will make your profit.  We call the 22 day period when you wait for an investment plan to break even the “nail biting” period.  This is the time when you will be hoping that the program will not close for one reason or another.  Twenty two days is only three weeks,   Not too long…

You could make identical calculations for the other five investment plans.  Adding the results of what you would obtain to the preceding table, you get the following more complete picture:

4.55% Daily for 30 Calendar Days
Min: $10   Max: $349
Total gross interest: 136.50%
Total net interest: 36.5%
DNI: 1.22%
Days to break even: 22

5.10% Daily for 30 Calendar Days
Min: $350   Max: $899
Total gross interest: 153%
Total net interest: 53%
DNI: 1.77%
Days to break even: 20

5.55% Daily for 30 Calendar Days
Min: $900   Max: $1499
Total gross interest: 166.50%
Total net interest: 66.5%
DNI: 2.22%
Days to break even: 19

6.00% Daily for 30 Calendar Days
Min: $1500 Max: $2499
Total gross interest: 180%
Total net interest: 80%
DNI: 2.67%
Days to break even: 17

6.50% Daily for 30 Calendar Days
Min: $2500   Max: $4,999
Total gross interest: 195%
Total net interest: 95%
DNI: 3.17%
Days to break even: 16

7.00% Daily for 22 Calendar Days
Min: $5,000   Max: $50,000
Total gross interest: 154%
Total net interest: 54%
DNI: 2.45%
Days to break even: 15

This is enough for now.  Take a close look at these numbers and begin to compare the investment plans.  That is what we’ll do in detail in Part 2 of this Review which we will publish in the next day or two…


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