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Bit-loop – Review Part 1

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Let’s continue exploring of Bit-loop investment platform. Just a few days ago you could read “First Thoughts” article and then we have updated it, because of two new short term plans added, because of investors requests (as claimed by the admin in the sent email). i will remind that to you:

Here are the plans and short explanation from admin: is an online investment platform, handled by professional and experienced trading team. We have the mindset, tools, and dedication to trade and double your investment in 60 days.

Plan: 2.5% daily interest for 60 days + 50% capital back on day 60.
Min. Deposit: 10 USD Max. Deposit: 499 USD

Plan: 3.5% daily interest for 60 days (Capital included).
Min. Deposit: 500 USD Max. Deposit: 50000 USD


As you can see both plans are quite affordable for investors but, as usual, at first stages on platform’s running the first investment plan will be more popular..

First plan: 90% of investors, Second plan: 10% of investors..

After credibility / trust level among members / potential investors goes higher the second plan can be taken by a wider (25%-35%) number of investors already.

Below is the updated list of available plans, two of which recently were shown in First Thoughts article (here):

Plan: 2.5% daily interest for 60 days + 50% capital back on day 60.
Min. Deposit: 10 USD Max. Deposit: 499 USD
Plan: 3.5% daily interest for 60 days (Capital included).
Min. Deposit: 500 USD Max. Deposit: 50000 USD
Plan: 1% daily interest for 10 days (Deposit Return).
Min. Deposit: 20 USD Max. Deposit: 99 USD
Plan: 1.5% daily interest for 10 days (Deposit Return).
Min. Deposit: 100 USD Max. Deposit: 50000 USD

Ok, now we have to make our usual math to see all pros and cons of such investment offers. Since all the plans are quite affordable for an avarage investor reading EN daily ) we will take all of them for our calculations..


To start, we check the first plan (Plan: 2.5% daily interest for 60 days + 50% capital back on day 60)

We do not need a conversion factor of 30/22 (calendar days/business days) here, because all of the plans work without days off.

To know when you Break Even you have to divide 100% by the 2.5% daily earning and you get 40 days exactly. That means – after 40 days (within the left 20 days), every day on this platform you earn your Net Profit already. During 60 days of this plan you will get 150% (2.5% x 60 days) return + Bit-loop must return to you 50% of your deposit back. That’s why your Total ROI is 200% after 60 days plan and Net profit is 100%.

The next thing we do is the DNI (If you are not familiar what DNI is – read EN Hyip Insights article #12 Part 3 and Part 4). We have to divide our Net Profit by the number of days in plan: 100% / 60 days = 1.66% and it is suitable for MEDIUM interest plans.

In short for all other plans:

*B.E.P. = Break Even Point

  • Plan (B.E.P.)                         Net profit        Total Return       DNI     
  • 3.5% daily (~28.5 days)        110%               210%                   1.83%
  • 1% daily (10 days)                10%                 110%                   1%
  • 1.5% daily (10 days)             15%                 115%                   1.5%

Well, it looks like you have here a wide range of options and now it’s clear enough what is the difference among them so that you probably will be able to choose what suits you better..

In Part 2, we will include more information and some terms to know earning in Bit-loop platform.

Check other news for today and Please stand by..


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