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EasyBenefit – Review Part 1

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Let’s move on and today we continue talking about EasyBenefit investment platform. Few days ago you could read “First Thoughts” article and before we look deeper into plans – i want to remind you a part of it:

I must say that EasyBenefit has rather lucrative short term – mid term plans.

*As always, everyone should judge joining short-term investment plans based on own experience, willings and risk-reward strategy (Risk Reward Ratio)

Take a look below:

11% Daily for 10 days

PAYMENT DAYS: From Monday to Sunday, Total return: 110% Total Return (10% NET), MIN DEPOSIT: $30

115% After 8 days

PAYMENT DAYS: From Monday to Sunday, Total return: 115% Total Return (15% NET), MIN DEPOSIT: $500

130% After 7 days

PAYMENT DAYS: From Monday to Sunday, Total return: 130% Total Return (30% NET), MIN DEPOSIT: $1000

150% After 6 days

PAYMENT DAYS: From Monday to Sunday, Total return: 150% Total Return (50% NET), MIN DEPOSIT: $1500

200% After 4 days

PAYMENT DAYS: From Monday to Sunday, Total return: 200% Total Return (100% NET), MIN DEPOSIT: $2000

255% After 2 days

PAYMENT DAYS: From Monday to Sunday, Total return: 255% Total Return (155% NET), MIN DEPOSIT: $2500

No doubt, that the first plan (11% Daily For 10 days) will be used by the majority (99%) of investors at the beginning because it has the most convenient (in my opinion) risk reward ratio for investor.

Since we have daily (calendar-days) plans, we do not need a conversion factor of 30/22 (calendar days/business days) here.

We take as an example the first – most popular plan (11% Daily for 10 days).

Let’s check when we reach break even point. We divide 100% by the 11% daily earning and get ~9 days. Meaning that after we break even in 9 days, there is one more day left for investor, in which he earns his net profit. You can see that information is also pointed in platform’s plans – the NET Profit here is 10% of your deposit.

The Total Gross Interest you receive is also pointed right in the EasyBenefit plans. The first plan has 110% total ROI (10% of Net Profit + 100% of Initial Deposit).

Next step, as always, is to check our DNI (Daily Net Interest) to see the level of profitability. 

Dividing your Net Profit (10%) by 10 days of investment period – we get a DNI of 1%. Based on our DNI range we are dealing with a lowest level of Medium interest plans. This means that it is much closer to the low interest plan actually and this does not apply to rest of the plans.

The next one (115% After 8 days) will also be considered as an Medium interest plan and all others as High interest plans. You may check that yourself in seconds doing simple math following our example above.

*(check EN Hyip Insights article #12 Part 3 and Part 4 to know more about DNI). 

By the way, ALL plans include the option to withdraw Principal before they expire, but the fee for this operation will probably make an investor not doing that: 

Principal available at any time with 30% fee

Let’s stop here… More information will be provided in the next Part 2 of this Review. As always, we will inform you about news and updates of EasyBenefit.. 

Check other news for today and Please stand by..


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