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News Commentary #128 — FxLTD and HYIP Battles #3

First Thoughts on FxLTD.

FxLTD recently began a “Gold” listing on the Emily News Monitor.  As near as I can tell, they went online in April.  So, the company has been around for a while.  Apparently the company generates revenue by investing funds “into high growth securities on all major stock markets of the world.”  It also trades “actively on the Forex market.”  That’s about all that is said concerning the activities of the company.  A great deal of space is devoted to telling the reader about their high level of expertise and the opportunity for profit by investing with them.

Unfortunately, the level of usage of the English language in the website is quite poor.  This sometimes makes it difficult to understand for the English-speaking person.  We will say more about this when we review the program.

There is confusion about the investment plans that the company offers.  In a person’s “Account” and on the “Home” page, one version of the FxLTD investment plans is given.  On the “Investment Packages” and “Profit Calculator” pages another version is given.  I am assuming that what appears in a person’s account is the correct version.  Apparently, a while back, FxLTD changed their investment plan offerings, but they didn’t do a complete job of updating their website.

The four investment plans offered by FxLTD appear to be well thought out.  Three of them pay daily interest and also return your principal at the end of the investment plan term.  The fourth simply pays you 110% of your deposit after 7 days and this includes your principal.

We will make a detailed analysis of the FxLTD investment plans when we review the program.  This will be within a few days.  Please stand by.


HYIP Battles #3 Update.

You might recall that a month or so ago we had the first HYIP Battles competition which happened to be between FexFund and AxisCrude.  We published the first part of the article (you can read the article here) but, before we could publish the second part, AxisCrude was placed on “Problem” status.  Shortly thereafter, it closed.  So, FexFund won by default!  We just published the first part of HYIP Battles #3 between FexFund and Satoshi Investments and it looks like the same thing is happening again!  Satoshi Investments has been placed on “Problem” status before we publish the second part of the Battle!  So, assuming that Satoshi Investments closes, and it looks like it will, FexFund will again win by default.  So our congratulations to this two-time champion — that appears to be scaring the competition away.  Even if Satoshi Investments closes, we might still publish an abbreviated version of what would have been written in Part 2 of the Battle as there are a number of interesting comparisons that can be made between the investment plans of the two programs.  All this should come into clear focus in the next day of two.  Please stand by.


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