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News Commentary #1,053 – Gissis Celebrates Six Months’ Anniversary

Summarizes Accomplishments.

Gissis (reviewed here) just officially announced its six months’ “anniversary.”  In the news release, they summarize the accomplishments that the company has made.  In our News Commentary #1,047, we already noted that Gissis has been online for six months and reviewed the company’s investment plans.  However, this new release from Gissis is informative with respect to the information it provides about Gissis‘ activities in the half-year period and I am repeating it below in case you are interested in the details.  Of specific interest is the fact that Gissis has continued to prosper in spite of the global pandemic. They even claim to have been involved with the production of PPE to assist in efforts to combat the disease and to have donated to charity programs related to providing assistance in needy areas.

Half Year of Successful Work!  

The Gissis investment project has been continuously operating for six months.

During this time, our team has done a great job, and we have something to be proud of.

55 thousand investors from all over the world have joined our project. We has helped earn more than $ 30 million in revenue for its partners.

Gissis has increased the number of its subsidiaries in various market sectors in Europe and Asia. We have gained a foothold in the US market and opened a new office in New York. The company invested in medicine and in the production of personal protective equipment. We have sponsored charity programs on fighting COVID-19 in the UK, Italy and the USA.

Our immediate plans include expanding operations in the US and Europe, entering real estate markets in Asia and China, completing transactions to acquire controlling interests in a number of enterprises with high financial stability.

The coronavirus pandemic has made adjustments to the activities of companies and organizations around the world. We also have had to postpone the implementation of a number of projects until the quarantine measures are lifted.

But even now, our company continues rapid growth. We were able not only to resist during the current global crisis, but also were able to increase our capitalization by 65% due to a well-thought-out strategy of diversification and prompt switching of resources to currently profitable directions.

This allows the company to maintain high interest rates on deposits, and our investors continue to receive consistently high income.

For example, investor David invested only $500 on a 162% plan for a period of 27 days and then reinvested 5 times in a row for the entire amount on the same plan. As a result, for six months he received $8,537.72 in net profit.

While Stephen opened the first deposit for $1,500 on a 370% plan for a period of 47 days and earned $5,550 – $500 deposit amount + $4,050 net profit. Then he made a reinvestment on the 500% plan for a period of 68 days for the entire amount he earned and received already $27,750. Stephen again invested the entire amount earned on the «VIP EXCLUSIVE» plan for a period of 25 days, and at the end of the term he had $53,418.75 on his account. For six months, Stephen earned on the project Gissis $51,918.75, having increased his investment capital 35 times!

The Gissis team is grateful that you have chosen our platform for making money and have been trusting us for a long time.

Join those who receive a steady income even in the times of global crisis.

The Investment project Gissis – is a large dividend and high interest rates!


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