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News Commentary #1,047 – Gissis Adds Italian Translation of its Website

Online for One Half Year!

Gissis (reviewed here) has just announced the addition of an Italian translation of their website.  It looks like the company now has three translations: English, Russian, and Italian.  I wonder if more translations will be coming soon.  Needless to say, the more the better…

Gissis has now been online for roughly six months.  This is a milestone in HYIP world and is an indication that the company is on a fairly firm footing.  One reason for its relatively long survival is undoubtedly the sensible interest rates that its daily plans pay.  In case you’ve forgotten about this program, it might be worthwhile to take another look at our review of it.  Specifically, the average daily net interest (DNI) that you receive from any of the four daily plans is within reason.  Here are the numbers we determined for that in our review

  • Plan                 DNI
  • #1                    1.00%
  • #2                    1.25%
  • #3                    1.68%
  • #4                    1.74%
  • #5                    4.15%
  • #6                    4.30%

You will notice that the DNIs promised from the last two plans are very high — probably too high to be sustainable.  However, these are long-term “after” plans and, fortunately for the survival of the overall program, probably aren’t being used very much.

Here’s the announcement from Gissis:

Gissis Holding company added the Italian version to the investment platform.

The successful international Gissis project is of great interest among investors from around the world. Currently, many people are concerned about finding a remote way to generate income. And the company Gissis provides an opportunity for investors from different countries to earn money without leaving home.

Six months of trouble-free operation, high interest rates and regular payments on deposits, even in conditions of a global crisis, are those factors that make the Gissis platform one of the most reliable and profitable in the industry.

Our team is constantly working to ensure that as many people as possible can use our platform in their own language and receive passive income in the most comfortable conditions.

We are pleased to announce that the Italian version is now available on the website.

Join those who receive a steady income even in the times of global crisis.

Gissis – is large dividends and high interest rates!


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