Review #2 (after the plans were changed) is already available.


In Part 1 of this review we determined the breakeven points for the three BTraders investment plans as well as the average daily net interest that you will earn from each of them.  In order to make our discussion of this information more convenient, I’m going to repeat this information below — as well as the basic information about each of the investment plans.

The Plans

Plan #1
105% after 5 days
Principal included

Plan #2
1.5% daily for 10 days
Principal back

Plan #3
6% daily for 20 days
Principal included

Breakeven Points and DNI

Break even      DNI

Plan #1            5 days              1%
Plan #2            10 days            1.5%
Plan #3            17 days            1%

First, let’s take a look at break even points.  In the article in HYIP Insights #21, we suggested that the online investor should aim at investment plans having breakeven points of less than a month.  The reason is simply that HYIP investment is risky business.  It is inherently wise to recover your investment as quickly as possible.  The breakeven points for all of the BTraders investment plans fall well within this time limit.

In that same article we stated that investment plans that enable you to recover your investment on a daily basis are the best.  The worst would be plans that don’t return any of your investment until the plan ends.  The BTraders investment plan offerings cover the entire range of options.  Plan #1 doesn’t return any earnings until the plan ends.  Plan #2 returns 15% of your earnings before the plan ends.  And, Plan #3 returns all of your earnings before it ends.  The saving grace is that Plans #1 and #2 that do not return all of your earnings before they end are short term.  This is quite different from a long-term plan of a month or more where you have to wait until it ends to recover your investment — and worse yet, at least in some cases, to make a profit.

Finally, still referring to this same HYIP Insights article, we recommended that the investor aim at programs offering investment plans having DNIs that are less than 2%.  The idea is that this  improves the chances for survivability of the overall program in the long term.  Obviously, the higher the payouts, the greater the financial burden on the company.  Happily, with DNIs of 1% and 1.5%, the BTraders investment plans are well within this suggested limit.

The flip side of risk is always profitability.  Here again, BTraders might be in the right ballpark.  A DNI of 1% translates to an average weekly profit of 7% and a DNI of 1.5% translates to an average weekly profit of 10.5%.  In the article in HYIP Insights #23, we suggested aiming at investments plans having DNIs between 5% and 15% as a good compromise between risk and profitability.  Here again, the BTraders plans appear to be right on the money.

So, at least in-so-far as EmilyNews suggestions are concerned, the BTraders investment plans appear to be pretty good.

Finally, the investor will always wonder which plan is the best one to use.  As far as profitability is concerned, Plan #2 with a DNI of 1.5%, compared to Plans #1 and #3 with DNIs of 1%, is 50% more profitable.  From that point of view, it is the best choice.  However, Plan #2 doesn’t break even until the plan ends after 10 days.  If the investor is very concerned that the program might close prematurely, Plan #1 might be the better choice as the plan is half as long.  However, the earnings are considerably less.  Finally, Plan #3 returns your investment on a daily basis as part of your earnings.  This is always the best situation as the amount of money you have at risk decreases (in this case, dramatically) on a daily basis.  From this point of view, Plan #3 is a good choice.  However, like Plan #1, it is a considerably less profitable plan than Plan #2.  So, it is the same old story.  Higher profitability goes along with higher risk.  BTraders has put these investment plans together in a manner that makes the decision of which one to choose a very difficult one.  It will largely depend on the temperament of the investor.  The more adventurous investor will surely choose Plan #2 while more conservative investors will probably opt for Plans #1 or #3.

Earnings Examples.

We’ll work three examples — an investment of $100 in each of the three BTraders investment plans:

Plan #1

This plan will pay you 105% or $105 after five days.  So, your profit will be $5.

Plan #2

This plan will pay you 1.5% or $1.50 every day for 10 days, a total of $15, plus return your investment to you at the end of the 10-day period.  So, your total net profit is the $15.

Comparing this to Plan #1, if you had reinvested your $100 in Plan #1 a second time, the total profit from these two investments would be $10, an average of $1 per day.  Comparing this to the $15 profit you would earn from Plan #2 for the same time period, which is an average of $1.50 per day, you see that the daily profits correspond to the DNIs for the two investment plans — as would be expected.

Plan #3

In this plan, you will earn 6% per day or $6 per day.  After 17 days you will have earned a total of $102 at which time you will have broken even.  After 20 days, you will have earned a total of $120, for a total net profit of $20.  Note that this is the same profit that you would receive if you invested in Plan #1 four consecutive times.  Once again, this happens because the two plans have the same DNI.

DNI is the most important factor to be aware of when examining the profitability (and risk) of an investment plan.  BTraders offers three different types of investment plans.  DNI cuts through the camouflage and enables you to compare the profitability of any types of investment plans with one another.


BTraders offers three different types of investment plans.  All are relatively short term with the shortest-term plan being five days long and the longest-term plan being 20 days long.  Interestingly, all plans have the same investment limits.  Two of them are equally profitable.  The third is more profitable but is slightly riskier as the investor has to wait until the conclusion of the plan to have his investment returned.  All of them are lucrative but not to the point that the survivability of the overall program would appear to be seriously at risk.  This program should appeal to a broad spectrum of investors.

I hope this information is helpful to you.


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