First Thoughts on World Mining.

We just began a “Silver” listing for World Mining on the EmilyNews monitor.  They have been in business since early in 2017 and, as the name of the company implies, are involved with cryptocurrency mining.  They are located in England and officially incorporated in October of this year.  According to their website, World Mining “leases servers of different capacities on rent. Our customers are able to choose the power and speed of the leased server, calculate its profitability, payback period of rent, size and net profit.”  World Mining goes on to say that they own “5 servers with different power type. Your income is calculated according to chosen server, power consumption and speed. You are able to rent a server per certain period: from 9 to 12 months. After the end of the lease term, the transfer of interests on your personal account will be stopped.”  So, the idea is that you share in the income generated by these servers; it’s a win-win situation for both the investor and World Mining.

Although cryptocurrency mining terminology is used, it’s really unnecessary and, if you look closely at the page of the website called “Our Servers,” you will wonder why it’s used at all because all the required information is also given in dollars.  For investors like myself who are newbies with respect to cryptocurrency mining terminology, it’s just a needless hurdle that must be overcome in order to understand how to invest with the company.  My personal opinion is that World Mining would greatly increase its customer base if this terminology were eliminated.  The plus to retaining it is that it helps to reinforce the legitimacy of the World Mining company’s mining operation by attaching technical terminology to the investment programs.

All this said, World Mining offers five investment plans that are (or course) named for the server associated with each of them.  The names of the plans are Server S1, Server S2, Server S3, Server S4, and Server S5.  The shortest plan has a term of 260 days and the longest a plan of 360 days.  This is referred to as the “Renting Period.”  So, by HYIP standards, they are all long-term plans.  Interest is paid daily and the amount of interest that is paid can vary somewhat.  For example, for the S1 plan, it can vary from 0.9% to 1.1% per day.  However, a monthly rate is also given and, for the S1 plan, it’s 27%.  Dividing this by 30 days per month, you get 0.97% per day.  So, the monthly interest rate that is given looks like it’s a sort of middle ground that the investor can use for the purpose of estimating his profits.  Your investment is referred to as “Renting Cost” and each plan has a minimum and maximum that are allowable.  After you study the website a little, it’s easy to see that World Mining offers very normal HYIP investment plans with different terminology on top of them.

All this is an introduction.  We will do a detailed analysis of the World Mining investment plans in a few days.  Please stand by.


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