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News Commentary #66 — Detron and Richmond Berks

Detron Releases Company Report.

Detron just released a report of company revenues and costs for the months of February and March.  A link to the report follows.  Apparently the company came out around $120,000 ahead in this period.  Strangely, the report doesn’t include information on this investment program.

Company reports are now available!

Dear customers, now you can see or download Company reports and business results from our Company reports page. You can find it on our main page or here:   Our management will be publishing here Company reports every month. Sincerely…… Sebastian Craig


Richmond Berks Issues Quarterly Report.

Richmond Berks just issued its report for the first quarter of 2017.  We all know that Richmond Berks is probably the star HYIP in the industry right now.  This report puts numbers on the progress the company has made.  Two of these “numbers” jumped right out at me.  The first is that the Richmond Berks website has in the neighborhood of 5.6 million visitors per month!  That would certainly account for the remarkable Alexa rating of the website — that continues to get better day by day.  The second is that the company has paid out over 86 million dollars to investors!  This is nothing short of amazing.  And there is much more in the complete report that I’ve reproduced below.  What follows does not include charts and graphs in support of the data I’ve given.  You can find them on the Richmond Berks website.

Investors will welcome one final bit of news which is that Richmond Berks intends to raise the weekday interest rate of its investment plan from 1.6% to 1.7% per day.  The weekend rate will probably remain the same at 0.7% per day.  I regard this as a wonderful sign.  Richmond Berks is doing extremely well, but the company is certainly under no obligation to increase the interest rate it pays to its investors.  This is a benefit that all investors will greatly appreciate.   I anticipate that it will encourage many of them to invest more and that it will make the program even more attractive than it now is to registered members that have not yet made an investment.  To me, the prognosis is that Richmond Berks will continue to grow for the foreseeable future.  For more information on Richmond Berks, you can read the Emily News review here.

Richmond Berks Special Report (1st quarter of 2017)

Hello, everyone! Richmond Berks here and we’d like to introduce you our new quarter report for the first 3 months of 2017 year.

The key numbers

  1. Richmond Berks closed 8 893 deals with overall amount of $310 291 000 at real estate auctions.
  2. Total company profit amounted to $98 431 869 ($86 552 271 paid to investors)
  3. The company’s total turnover grew by 287%, which exceeded the expected results by 160%.
  4. Richmond Berks capitalization increased by 2.3 times.

Due to increased capitalization, the percentage of the company’s investors’ profits increased up to 1.7%.

  1. 581 000 new contracts with private investors.
  2. 5 major contracts with international investment funds.
  3. 5,60 millions of people visit Richmond Berks site per month (check out the stats).
  4. 37 conferences were carried out in 20 countries: Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Ecuador, Philippines, Gait, Ukraine, Japan, Germany, Latvia, Malaysia, Brazil, India, Uganda, Croatia, Cameroon, Ghana, Nepal, Colombia, South Africa.
  5. Significant socialization: more than 100 thousands mentions in YouTube.
  6. The income from industrial real estate increased by 97.6%, office buildings – by 87%, and land by – 75.5%
  7. More than 79 thousands of people installed Richmond Berks Mobile App (16 930 for iOS and 62 432 for Android)

Richmond Berks’ plans for the future

– More than 60 000 deals at real estate market
– More than 1 840 000 contracts with private investors
– Turnover increase +323%.
– New trading platform release (May 2017)

Check the roadmap from time to time and stay tuned for more company plans.

You see, we did a lot. All of us. And there is a lot to be done. Follow us and make money with us. Right now!

P.S. Remember, the profit rate increases up to 1.7% shortly. Make a deposit and benefit at once!

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