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News Commentary #61 — Richmond Berks

Weekly Digest from Richmond Berks.

These “Weekly Digests” from Richmond Berks are very helpful.  Yes, we have seen some of the news before.  However, Richmond Berks seems to have something going on almost every day and it’s easy to miss something.  It’s worth noting that all this activity by Richmond Berks is a very healthy sign.  They have contests; they have conventions all over the world; they offer deposit bonuses; and much more.  A company will not do this unless they are committed to being around for a considerable length of time to come.  This, of course, is what all HYIP investors hope for.  We might be wrong.  But, that’s the feeling of us at Emily News right now.  Here’s the complete text of the update from Richmond Berks


The last week was full of interesting events and news. And we present to you a weekly digest of the main news of Richmond Berks.

Sunday 09.04

The report on the conference held in Nigeria is presented. Look at the photo and find out when the next conference will be.

Conference in Nigeria on April 3 – Report

Monday 10.04

The client of the company, who became the leader of many conferences, with the help of the affiliate program, earned a car of his dreams.

Thanks to the Richmond Berks company I bought the car I dreamed of!

Tuesday 11.04

Find out the 10 most effective and useful ways to work with an affiliate program and get the maximum profit.

TOP-10 ways to attract partners within affiliate program

Thursday 13.04

Look at the report from several conferences. This time in the Philippines and Haiti

Report on the conference held in Philippines and Haiti

Friday 14.04

Meet the new functional! Share your video review and get $ 50!

Share your video review And get 50 RBB!

How the conferences were held in Nigeria and Ecuador. Find out in the report.

Nigeria and Ecuador – Report

Saturday 15.04

Update mobile application. More languages ​​are now available

The mobile application is now in your own language

That’s all.

Also, don’t forget about Facebook contest. Don’t lose your chance to win 30 000 dollars!


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