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News Commentary #55 — SportArb

SportArb Releases Its Weekly News Update.

Well, SportArb has done it again.  Each of its weekly updates in more exciting than the previous one.  And, this one is no exception.  Where does one begin in order to describe it?  As usual, there are another 3,000 or so new signups to the program bringing the total of registered members to over 33,500.  Webinars going on in Asia, a dedicated debit card, an Android app, and, maybe most amazing of all, SportArb is diversifying and becoming involved in cryptocurrency trading.  The complete update follows.  Enjoy it!

Dear investors,

Another week has ended and it is now time for me to sit down for a few minutes and share our most recent achievements with you. SportArb has just crossed the 33,500 registered members mark and we could not be more excited about these results.

We will start with some very big news: SportArb has just acquired, another online investment pool. We have been negotiating this acquisition for a few weeks now and finally closed the deal yesterday. TradeBTC invests in cryptocurrency trading and this is something I have been learning for a while now.

Their trading team will be joining our own internal trading team soon but, for the sake of efficiency, we will manage both websites individually since they have separate investment pools. If you are interested in investing in cryptocurrency trading as well, just to go now and see what we can offer.

I truly believe that having a smart diversification of one’s investment portfolio and even though sports arbitrage has always been my number 1 income source, I personally invest in crypto currencies, working closely with exchangers moving large amounts of money between different platforms, currency trading and most recently, I am investing in a few progressive startup companies in Europe.

I would also like to say a big thank you for those who have been submitting their video reviews about SportArb. We have a backlog of videos to be approved and we will be adding your bonus points very soon. I am truly happy to see all your activity in this promotion and amazed by the number of different nationalities I can see in the videos. As you know, my goal is to make SportArb as international as it can be and these videos just prove that we are in the right track.

Starting next week, some European and Asian promoters are also hosting online webinars to spread the word about SportArb in their local communities. If you’d like to host something similar, please write us at and we will gladly provide you all support and come up with an interesting strategy.

We also collected some interesting feedback about our Android app and new improvements and functionalities will be added shortly. We have a few thousand users who already downloaded our app so please don’t hesitate to send your feedback on how we can make it even better.

Another feedback we received is to improve communication so starting next week, we will be sharing public Telegram and Skype groups to communicate faster with our members. We are also looking for moderators for these groups so if this is something you’re interested, please send me an email at too and we will discuss it in details with experienced investors.

In terms of product updates, Ethereum will be added this week as many of you requested and we have managed to integrate Ethereum with our investment pool.

To finish with updates, more than 2500 investors have already ordered their plastic or virtual debit cards from using codes SPORTARBPLASTIC or SPORTARBVIRTUAL. If you haven’t ordered yours yet, please do it now since they will only be available for free until the end of this month.

Managing such a huge fund with thousands of investors is challenging and tiring but just thinking that I can change the lives of so many people through this project gives me energy and will to keep striving for nothing but the best. I like to remain positive and I only share good news with you and keep the challenges for myself. My job here is to work hard to make sure YOU have access to your financial freedom with us. I genuinely believe in building trust through actions, and will keep doing my one thousand per cent to change your lives.

SportArb is a life changer for myself too and it will definitely be the biggest project I have ever managed. Our projections for the next year are very positive and I am eager to be writing to all of you in 2018 comparing our venture statistics to this initial moment we are currently living. Thank you for your continued trust; I will not let you down.

I hope you have an amazing weekend surrounded by family and friends.



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