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News Commentary #45 — Ethtrade, MerchantInvest, and OnePunchLTD

Ethtrade Sponsors Football Tournament.

Ethtrade has again released some old news about a football (soccer in the US) tournament they sponsored in Malaysia back in January.  I will guess that this was also a part of their major promotional effort in southeast Asia earlier this year.  The news release on the Ethtrade website has a nice video of the event.  It was an indoor game and it looks like an Ethtrade team competed with a local group.  Here’s the text of the release:

Ethtrade Futsal Tournament

Top scorer : Adi ( TDG team)

All winners got trophies, medals and other valued prizes.

Ethtrade has also provided Lucky Draw.

Around 200 people has attended in Tournament.

The futsal tournament was successfully organise by Leader from Malaysia, Zulkiflee Muil on Jan 22, 2017.


MerchantInvest Website Being Redesigned.

MerchantInvest is in the process of revamping their website to make it a “more professional design.”  They expect that all subpages will be done in a week or so and that the entire job will be complete in two weeks.  I wouldn’t be surprised if the website went down now and then during this time period.  Be warned…


OnePunchLTD Celebrates 100 Days Online.

Here is the complete text of the announcement from OnePunchLTD:

At this moment when OnePunch Run into 100 days,

We would like to share some fact with you:

We total member amount arriving to 4019 — it’s even being a whole village.

All member came from 45 country — more than diplomatic relations of some country.

Total invest amount running to 1,925,196 dollar — would equal to total population of some city.

We have finished 10,133 plan — average every member has earn money for 2.5 times!

We sincerely invite you celebrate this wonderful day together, if these fact moves you, just come and join us!


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