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News Commentary #2,000 – Spell Wallet Bot | Latest News..?

Spell Wallet Bot – a telegram bot app that have being monitored on EN for a bit more than two months keeps showing its activity at their group community. It seems that the whole business idea was created arounf NFTs crypto market so all the tasks for bot members are also based on that.

In case you missed some of them lately, here they are:

Spell NFT Marketplace is soaring to new heights!

🚀 ✨ 93k+ #NFTs minted & viewed 521k times – magic is in the air!

🪄 ✨ A whopping 221k trades show the market is vibrant and full of life!

🧙‍♂️ ✨ The average selling price is 7 MANA, achievable with 10 trades!

🎯 Ready to Mint, Trade #NFT, and Earn more MANA?

🤑 Let the magic flow! 💫

🧩DAILY PUZZLE: ABCD; AB= First Windows OS with the Start menu; CD=(AB+5) / 4; Numeration: 🧙=1;🧚=4;


Ready to earn more MANA?

🧙‍♂️ Proactive wizards are stacking up MANA daily, having maxed out their Magic Boosters and Upgrades to the max Level 5!

🚀💰 Are you one of them? If not, don’t miss your chance to level up while it’s still available!

⏳🔝 🪄Explore the details: 🪄And for those already crushing it at the top – no worries, exciting gameplay updates are coming soon to boost your yields even higher!

⚡️🎉 Get the most out of Spell to access juicy crypto #airdrops!

💸🔮 🧩DAILY PUZZLE: ABCD; A=C=D*3; B=f****; D=B/2; Numeration: 🧙‍=1; 🧚 =4;


A new Spell design is about to unleash more enchantment!

🪄✨ The Spell team has been conjuring magic just for you wizards!

🤗🧙‍♂️ With the final touches being applied, new look is almost ready to be unveiled!

🔮 ✨Sneak Peek: The preview above reveals the main wallet page, but that’s only a glimpse of the wonders beneath the surface!

💫 Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to be amazed!🥳

🧩DAILY PUZZLE: A=C & B are yellow; wizard is in the rear

Check other news for today and Please stand by..


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