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News Commentary #1,958 – Quopi | Whitelist Expanded !?

Approximately 15 days ago Quopi (“TRIAL” listing platform) made short announcement about the whitelist with users who get early access to AI Crypto Trader (as they claim). 

For today, Quopi has been working for 300 days and 236 days it has being monitored by EN.

Here’s the full update:

We would like to announce with great excitement that the winners for the second whitelist expansion have been selected! All winning applicants have been sent out emails, and access to crypto trader has been added for their accounts!

To see whether you have access – simply open the stake funds page! An option to select either Crypto or Stock Trader will be available at the top of the page!

Thanks to everyone for participating and remember – even if you did not get into the early access whitelist – the Quopi AI Crypto Trader will become available to all users on January 4, 2024!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our 24/7 support at any time!

Check other news for today and Please stand by..


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