Most of you are familiar with the items that we publish in our HYIP Insights series of articles. Most of them are “timeless” meaning that they are just as relevant today as they were when we first published them. This is unlike just about everything else that appears in our blog. Program reviews and news items go out of date as old programs close and new ones take their place. On the other hand, Insights articles never go out of style…
So, since we have written these articles over a year’s time, we have decided that it might be useful to you if we did a brief review of them — a summary of what each article was about. Then, if you would like to learn more, you can refer back to the original article for the complete story. We have a selfish reason for doing this too! Some of these articles took a bit of thought — and time — to write. We hate to see them sit on the shelf where no one will get to see them. So, we are dusting them off and putting them on the table again for you to read. We hope that you will find them educational and useful to reread — and, at least in some cases, a bit of fun to look at again.
Let’s begin at the beginning taking a second look at the oldest articles first. If you would like to read the entire article, simply click on the heading and you will be taken to it…
HYIP Insights #2 — Language. This article was directed at Admins as well as investors. It discussed the terrible English that is sometimes used in HYIP website script. From the point of view of the investor, the English can be so bad that the meaning of a sentence or paragraph isn’t clear. Needless to say, this is VERY important to the investor when he is trying to understand exactly how an investment plan works. The investor will also wonder why the Admin of a supposedly very successful company didn’t spend a few hundred dollars to hire a translator to straighten out his English. The conclusion he will be forced to make is that the program isn’t as successful as it’s made out to be in the website and may simply be some guy sitting on his living room sofa struggling to put something together so that he can make a few bucks before he closes the program and runs away with the treasury. The silliness of this gets even deeper when you look at the incorporation papers of most of these companies and find out that they are incorporated in England and that the director involved (usually only one person) is British. Can’t the person write his own language? The point is that the level of the English language that is used in a website provides a very revealing clue as to the legitimacy of a company.
HYIP Insights #4 — The HYIP “Game.” In this article we compared investing in an HYIP to betting money in a casino or any other form of gambling. We know from experience that almost all HYIPs will close their doors within a year’s time. So, the HYIP investor knows that, just like betting on a game in a casino, he is more apt to lose than to win. Plain and simple, that’s the way the “odds” are in both these “games.” But, in spite of this, people will still flock to casinos in hope that their “system” of playing a certain game will enable them to win more than to lose — or they may simply hope that they will be lucky! And, investors will always be interested in HYIPs because of the possibility of earning a LOT of money in a LITTLE amount of time. So, just like going to the casino, the HYIP investor hopes that he will be lucky or that his “system” of investing in HYIPs will improve the odds that he will come out ahead. There are professional gamblers who make a living by playing games in casinos and similar establishments. There are also folks that make a living investing in HYIPs. It IS possible to do this. However, it takes experience, self-discipline, an understanding of the “rules” of the “HYIP Game,” and, I’m afraid, a good deal of LUCK. In the EmilyNews blog, we try hard to give you information such that you will better understand these rules as to how this “Game” works. You can also benefit from our experience. You have to provide the self-discipline. No one can give you luck!
HYIP Insights #6 — The HYIP “Legend.” A legend is a story that is a mix of fact and fiction. Depending on the legend, the “mix” of fact and fiction can vary. Some legends are more fact that fiction — and vice versa. The HYIP legend is the story that a company gives on its website concerning what it does to generate the funds that it uses to pay its investors. Common legends involve investing in the stock market or real estate, trading different fiat currencies or cryptocurrencies, or, more recently, in mining cryptocurrencies. And many many more. Most investors cling to the hope that an HYIP will come along wherein its legend is completely true. This may indeed be the case in some situations. However, unfortunately, a legitimate company can fail as easily as one that is a complete scam — especially when it has the obligation to pay its investors the high earnings usually associated with the typical HYIP. In some cases, I suspect that these legends are partially true and that some funds might be generated. However, in reality, most HYIPs are “Ponzis” where the deposits of new investors are used to pay off the earnings of old ones. So, the typical HYIP can survive only as long as there are more depositors that folks that are earning. All this said, it IS useful to try to ascertain whether or not the legend given by an HYIP is nonsense or not. We at EmilyNews have adopted the unofficial policy of “innocent until proven guilty” meaning that we accept the legend of an HYIP at face value unless it contains blatant lies. These we always bring to the attention of the investor. Also we will never say that a company IS involved with, say, Forex trading. Rather, we will say that a company “CLAIMS TO BE” involved.
Perhaps this is enough for now. In a second part of this review, we’ll take a look at a few more of our past HYIP Insights articles.