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HYIP Insights #20 – They Claim To Be…

An EmilyNews reader pointed out to us that a program he recently invested in closed within a week of him making a deposit with the company.  He also indicated that, in our review of the program, we didn’t say anything bad about the company and we also expressed the opinion that the investment plans offered by the company were such that the company had a good chance of being a long-term survivor.  So, did we mislead this poor guy, or what?

In our reviews of an HYIP, we mainly try to do two things:

  • summarize the information that a company gives about itself
  • make a thorough analysis of the company’s investment plans

After all, if you make an investment with ANY company or in the stock market, these are the two important things you would like to know.  You would like to be sure that the company you are investing in is solid and will continue to be around for the long-term — so that you will receive dividends or earnings on a dependable basis — and you would like to know all about the terms of the investment plan you will put your hard-earned money into.

So, to the best of our ability, we try to provide our readers with these same two pieces of information whenever we review an HYIP on the EmilyNews monitor.  In fact, we wrote an article entitled “The Two Most Important Things” about this very topic that appeared in HYIP Insights #16.

But, as most of you know, there is a serious problem with all this.    We KNOW that, 95% of the time, the description an HYIP gives about the company behind it is a fiction.  We politely call it the “Legend” of the company.  Some monitors treat these legends as if they were real companies.  Others do the opposite and ignore them.  We at EmilyNews have chosen a middle road in all this which is “innocent until proven guilty.”  By that I mean that we accept the Legend that an HYIP gives as true unless it contains blatant lies.  We simply cannot close our eyes to that.  We have written still another article entitled “The HYIP Legend” that appeared in HYIP Insights #6 that deals with this.  It may sound contradictory but, even though we KNOW that almost all HYIPs will eventually crash, we usually accept their Legends as true anyway.  Perhaps it is because we — as well as most investors — do indeed cling to the hope that, every once in a while, the real thing does come along.  This game wouldn’t be any fun if we treated all these programs as scams right out of the starting gate.

The best way to approach all this is to regard “investing” in an HYIP as a GAME.  It is really a form of gambling — perhaps the same as placing your bet in a casino.  At a casino, you know that there is only a very small chance that you could win big.  So, you take the chance, hoping that you will NOT be one of the crowd that goes home poorer after he plays the casino games for a while.  With respect to HYIPs, we are gambling that the program will survive long enough for the investor to at least recover his initial deposit and, ideally, for a long time after that such that he can come away with a handsome profit.  We have written a third article entitled “The HYIP Game” that discusses all this in more detail.  It appeared in HYIP Insights #4.  If you regard investing in HYIPs as a sort of game, it actually is a good deal of fun.  However, having fun doesn’t imply being careless.  It is no fun at all to lose consistently.  You have to play the game smart.  By means of articles that appear in the EmilyNews blog, we try to give you some of these smarts…

And, I think this takes us back to where we started — the poor guy who may have invested a good sum of money in an HYIP and then it crashed shortly thereafter.  And, our review might have led him to believe that it was a relatively safe investment.  Unfortunately, it IS possible that someone could interpret a review that we make of an HYIP in this way.  This could be the case if a person NEVER READ the HYIP Insights articles that we publish (such as the ones I’ve referred to above) that describe the philosophy behind investing in an HYIP as well as numerous other HYIP Insights articles that make suggestions concerning investment strategies.  It is simply impossible to cover all this ground in every review that we write.

However, there IS one little thing that we can and will do.  From now on, instead of saying that a company IS involved with, say, Forex trading, we will say that the company CLAIMS TO BE involved.  This will serve as a reminder that, for the most part, the story that an HYIP paints about its business activities is only a Legend — a myth that may have little or no basis in reality.

Does this mean we should forget about investing in HYIPs?  I don’t think so.  Enjoy the GAME!  But, play it smart!  Diversify your investments!  Steer clear of programs that show obvious signs of limited life expectancy.  And, follow the many other hints that we write about in our blog.  We don’t guarantee success.  But, we try to tip the scales in our favor.  That’s the best you can do when you play poker at a casino.  That’s also the best you can do when you invest in an HYIP.

Good Luck! 🙂


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