Lower Minimum Investments and Shorter Terms.
Jazzle Games (reviewed here) originally offered five investment plans. Here is the way they looked at the time we reviewed the program:
Plan #1
107% after 7 days
$10 – $100
Deposit returned
Plan #2
3.6% daily for 50 days
$20 – $5,000
Deposit included
Plan #3
1.8% daily for 40 days
$1,000 – $10,000
Deposit returned
Plan #4
2% daily for 77 days
$3,000 – $30,000
Deposit returned
Plan #5
2.2% daily for 70 days
$10,000 – $50,000
Deposit returned
In our review we calculated the daily net interest (DNI) offered by each of the programs as well as the number of days for each of them to break even. Here is that information again:
Plan #1 1.0%
Plan #2 1.6%
Plan #3 1.8%
Plan #4 2.0%
Plan #5 2.2%
Breakeven points
Plan #1 7 days
Plan #2 28 days
Plan #3 40 days
Plan #4 50 days
Plan #5 46 days
Now Jazzle Games has introduced two new investment plans that will replace Plans #4 and #5. At first glance, the most significant advantage of the two new plans is that the minimum investment has been reduced to $20. If you recall from our review of the program, a major problem with the original investment plans was that the minimum investments of $3,000 and $10,000 required for Plans #4 and #5 were out of reach of the average investor. The new minimum investment of $20 completely solves this problem and the folks at Jazzle Games are to be commended for making this change. The new plans also have much shorter terms. This may or may not be an improvement. But, it will certainly appeal to the investor who has a preference for shorter term investments.
The new plans look like this:
Plan #4a
5.2% for 27 days (total gross return = 140%)
$20 – $10,000
Deposit included
Plan #5a
7% for 17 days (total gross return = 119%)
$20 – $50,000
Deposit included
Here is the news release from Jazzle Games:
Dear investors! Taking care of the interests of our partners and multiplying your well-being is a priority in the activities of Jazzle Finance Limited [GB]. We are making great efforts to improve the already achieved results and continue to actively conduct the market research.
Analyzing the profiles of our investors, we collected the data on your preferences, and we made some changes to the proposed package of investment plans on their basis. Now we are even closer to the wishes and opportunities of an ordinary investor.
The plans with high daily charges from this moment are available to partners with the most modest investment budget. We made a gradual graduation of plans and, with a significant increase in the percentage of daily accrual – 5.2% -7%, reduced the minimum entry amount to $ 20!
Instead of the plans:
– 2% for 77 days with the deposit amount of 3000-30000 $
– 2.2% for 70 days with the deposit amount of 10,000-50000 $
We have introduced the plans:
– 5.2% for 27 days with the deposit amount of 20-10000 $ with a total profit of 140% (the deposit is included in the charge)
– 7% for 17 days with the deposit amount of 20-50000 $ with a total profit of 119% (the deposit is included in the charge).
OK, now that we have the numbers in front of us, let’s take a more detailed look at the new plans and see if they are really as good as they are advertised and as good as they appear to be at first glance.
The first thing we always do at Emily News is to calculate the DNI for an investment plan. In case you’ve forgotten, the DNI (daily net interest) is the total net interest that you earn from an investment plan averaged out over the number of days in the plan. This is the only quantity that we can think of that provides a simple way of comparing investment plans that accounts for BOTH the interest rate that they offer AND the length of the investment plan term. For example, Jazzle Games indicated that the two new plans have much higher interest rates than the original ones. However, they neglected to mention that the plans are fairly short term. So, you earn these high returns over a much shorter period and, if you average out your net return over the length of the investment plan, you might not be in such good shape. But, let’s see how this works out…
For Plan #4a, your total gross return is equal to the daily gross return of 5.2% times the number of days in the plan which, in this case, is 27. So, the total gross return is 140% (5.2 x 27). This is given in the Jazzle Games news release. The total NET return for this plan is 100% less since this includes your deposit. So, the total net return is 40%. Averaging this out over the length of the investment plan by dividing by 27 days, we get a DNI of 1.48% (40/27). Doing the same arithmetic for Plan #5a, we get a DNI of 1.12%.
Before we comment on these values, let’s quickly determine how long it takes these two plans to break even. You do this by simply dividing 100% by the daily gross interest. For Plan #4a, this comes to 20 days (100/5.2) and for Plan #5a it comes to 15 days.
OK, now let’s list everything we know about the original three plans that are left along with what we now know about the two new ones:
Plan #1
107% after 7 days
$10 – $100
DNI = 1%
Days to break even = 7
Deposit returned
Plan #2
3.6% daily for 50 days
$20 – $5,000
DNI = 1.6%
Days to break even = 28
Deposit included
Plan #3
1.8% daily for 40 days
$1,000 – $10,000
DNI = 1.8%
Days to break even = 40
Deposit returned
Plan #4a
5.2% for 27 days
$20 – $10,000
DNI = 1.48%
Days to break even = 20
Deposit included
Plan #5a
7% for 17 days
$20 – $50,000
DNI = 1.12%
Days to break even = 15
Deposit included
When you first look at this line up, it’s a little confusing and there may not appear to be any logic to it. However, there IS logic if you focus on Plans #2, #4a, and #5a. These three plans all return your deposit as part of your earnings. Putting then side by side you have:
Plan #2
3.6% daily for 50 days
DNI = 1.6%
Days to break even = 28
Plan #4a
5.2% for 27 days
DNI = 1.48%
Days to break even = 20
Plan #5a
7% for 17 days
DNI = 1.12%
Days to break even = 15
In table form:
Plan Interest DNI Term Break even
#2 3.6% 1.60% 50 days 28 days
#4a 5.5% 1.48% 27 days 20 days
#5a 7.0% 1.12% 17 days 14 days
So, going through the three plans, you see that, with the gross daily interest increasing and the length of term decreasing, the DNI (your daily profit) decreases. Thus, the length of term is the dominating factor. However, the increase in gross daily interest cause the days to break even to decrease.
This is a very logical set of three investment plans. In order to receive the higher DNI, you have to commit to a longer investment term. It is important to note that the higher DNIs are NOT associated with the higher gross interests. Among these three plans, #2 (with the LOWEST gross daily interest) is the most profitable followed by #4a and finally, by #5a. So, again, the two new investment plans are MUCH LESS profitable than the previous Plans #4 and #5 and SLIGHTLY LESS profitable than existing Plan #2. However, they form a nice trio of investment plan offerings for Jazzle Games by adding shorter term lower (NET) interest plans.
I hope this is clear.
But, what about Plans #1 and #3? How do they fit into the picture? Both of these plans return your deposit at the end of the plans rather than as part of your earnings. So, they are very different than the three plans we just discussed. Concerning Plan #3, it has the highest DNI (1.8%) and is therefore the most profitable. However, it has a rather high minimum investment of $1,000. This might be a deterrent for some investors. And, again, this plan returns your deposit at the end of the plan rather than along with your earnings. So, you don’t break even until the 40-day term of the plan has elapsed.
We should not forget about Plan #1. It has a DNI of 1%, just about the same as new Plan #5a which has a DNI of 1.12%. It is VERY short term — only seven days compared to 27 for Plan #5a. So, in light of the fact that your money is only tied up for one week rather than the two weeks it takes to break even in Plan #5a, Plan #1 might possibly be the better choice. It is worth noting that, although Plan #1 has a max investment of $100, a person could make more than one deposit in the plan, thereby increasing his total investment to as much as he desires. Some ambitious investors using a short-term program such as this might make a new investment every day for the seven-day period to create a steady income. Some might even COMPOUND their earnings by reinvesting their initial deposit PLUS their earnings at the end of the seven-day period. This is the MOST profitable investment method. But, compounding is also extremely risky. We wrote an HYIP Insights article about this that you can read here.
The bottom line might be that Plan #1 is the best as a short-term investment and Plan #3 is the best in-so-far-as profitability is concerned. The trio of plans that return your deposit as part of your earnings might be somewhere in the middle. The two new plans, Plans #4a and 5a, are fairly short term and return your deposit fairly quickly. The bottom line might simply be that the choice of which plan you invest in — if you invest in any of them — might be largely a matter of your own personal taste.
Initially I suggested that Jazzle Games ought to be commended for replacing the two plans that had excessively high minimum investments with plans having sensible minimum investment amounts. After the analysis we just made, I will still stand by this statement. However, the two new plans are much less profitable than the two plans they replaced and slightly less profitable than all but one of the three remaining original investment plans. Unfortunately, Jazzle Games used the misleading tactic of comparing the high GROSS interest offered by the new plans with the relatively low NET interest offered by the previous plans when comparing their profitability. This is purposely misleading and is NOT commendable. It emphasizes the importance of ALWAYS comparing values of DNI when comparing the profitability of one investment plan with another. This is what we ALWAYS do when analyzing investment plans in the EmilyNews blog.
I hope that some of this information will be helpful to you!
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