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InvesLeader — Review

This is  SCAM project already! Do not invest there anymore!

InvesLeader is a new company that came online on January 4. The Articles of Incorporation, filed in the United Kingdom, that are available on its website, indicate that the company was incorporated in November of 2016. However, the website implies that they have been in operation since 2010. Their area of expertise is Forex trading and they claim to have developed a “unique software for multicurrency trading in automatic mode.” In general, the website indicates that “numerous company employees are professional financial analysts and experienced experts in foreign exchange trading and speculation with securities and shares of different UK companies.” So, InvesLeader is an investment company with particular expertise in Forex trading.

A quick review of the InvesLeader Articles of Incorporation provided me with the same surprise that I encountered when reviewing the Articles of Incorporation for Powercoins a few days ago. InvesLeader has only one Director, a Mr. Aaron Mann, who is British. Furthermore, again like Powercoins, he is the sole shareholder having purchased one share of the company for the price of one GBP. Once more, the Articles go into great detail about duties of Directors, their meeting procedures, selection procedures, etc. as well as similar detail about shareholders. Well, this company is obviously a one man operation. So, other than possibly providing some verbiage to fulfill incorporation requirements, the Articles are nonsense. If I were Mr. Mann, I most definitely would not have included such a document in my website as providing evidence for the authenticity of the company. The front page certificate is enough. The rest is an embarrassment that should best be kept secret!

Interestingly, I notice three levels of facility with the written English language in the script of this website. The “About” page, which I suspect has been written from scratch for this website, is not good at all. The “Terms and Conditions,” which I suspect have pretty much been borrowed from elsewhere, are acceptable. The Articles of Incorporation are fine. However, I suspect that they were completely copied from another source, except for the name of the corporation and other particulars. Assuming that Mr. Mann, who is British, was involved in the creation of the About page, his only excuse for the poor use of the written English language might be that he is not a native English speaker.

A close look at the investment plans offered by InvesLeader immediately calls into doubt the competency of the “Investment Experts” that might be handling your money if you should decide to invest with this company. For example, let’s take a look at the first plan. Here is the information describing it as it appears in the website:

Plan 1

2.00% daily for 60 Days
Minimum investment: $10.00
Maximum investment: $1000.00
Principal return: 60%
Total profit: 120%

In order to analyze this brief summary, we first have to be clear as to what “percent profit” means. The definition is simply earnings above your initial investment divided by the initial investment. With that in mind, let’s continue…

If I make a $100 investment in this plan and it earns 2% per day, after 60 days I will have earned $120. So, assuming that I still have access to my original investment, at the end of the 60 day period, my percent profit is 120% (120/100 x 100). However, in this plan, only 60% of your principal ($60) is returned to you. So, in reality, after the 60 day period, your earnings are diminished by the $40 that wasn’t returned to you or, to put it another way, your NET earnings are only $80 (120 – 40). So, your NET profit is only 80% (80/100 x 100). The bottom line is that the information given for “Total Profit” (I call it NET profit as that is what is of interest to the investor) in the website is WRONG! Do you feel that it is wise to invest your hard-earned money with a company that can’t do a simple calculation of percent — or that is deliberately trying to mislead you?

The same error exists in Plans 2, 3, and 4. Following is the correct “Total Profit” for the first four plans:

Plan 1 80%
Plan 2 106.5%
Plan 3 141.00%
Plan 4 177.5%

The Total Profit given for Plan 5 is correct because this Plan returns 100% of your principal.

All of the five investment plans provided by InvesLeader are medium term in length, running from Plan 1 which is 60 days long to Plan 5 which is 80 days. Aside from the fact that the interest you can earn for each plan is incorrectly reported, I think that the idea of returning only a fraction of an investor’s principal for the shorter term lower yield programs is a novel approach to encouraging an investor to invest more. Likewise, providing higher interest rates for the longer term plans is another enticing carrot. All of this is cleverly done.

The website doesn’t say whether or not you can withdraw your principal (or even the reduced portion of it that will be returned to you) before the end of the term of your investment. I think not. That would be worth checking into if you get serious about investing with this program. Assuming I am right on this, there is obviously a greater risk associated with the longer term plans as the day when your principal will be returned to you — and participation in the program will have become worthwhile — will be a little further in the future than for the shorter term plans.

Deposits are supposedly instant while withdrawals can take up to 12 hours. Payment processors are: Perfect Money, Bitcoin, and Nixmoney.

InvesLeader has a typical affiliate program that pays the following on deposits three levels deep in your downline:

First level – 5%
Second level – 3%
Third level – 1%

This has not been a flattering review. However, you might still want to try your luck with the InvesLeader investment program. If you do, never forget that all HYIPs are also high risk and never invest more than you can afford to lose. Good Luck!

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