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News Commentary #1,476 – ZionFinance | Dogecoin (DOGE) Added

ZionFinance platform (reviewed here) announced that the new payment method was added for investors. Now you can use Dogecoin as well as other available currencies on their website: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Tron, Tether.

It goes without saying that this coin gained widespread adoption after several tweets made by Elon Musk in the past about its possible use cases. So, I think now most investment platforms have this payment method from the day of launch.

Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency created as a joke by an Australian entrepreneur Jackson Palmer and software engineer Billy Markus.

Dogecoin officially went live on Dec. 6, 2013, and became an instant hit with the community. After two weeks, the Dogecoin Reddit channel had over 19,000 users and the price of DOGE skyrocketed 300%, despite China announcing a ban on payment companies from dealing with Bitcoin at the time.

Today, a lot of companies are already working with this cryptocurrency and Zion Finance will not be an exception.
Zion Finance is making this update for you to expand your capabilities.

We are accepted new cryptocurrency – DOGE.

Minimum deposit: 200 DOGE.

Minimum withdrawal: 50 DOGE.

Commission: 2 DOGE.

Now there are even more opportunities to invest and make a profit.

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