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News Commentary #134 — HYIP Insights Library and FexFund

The HYIP Insights Library is Growing!

If you follow our Blog, you know that from time to time we publish articles in a series that we call HYIP Insights.  For the most part, these articles deal with topics that are “timeless.”  By that I mean they never go out of date; they are just as relevant to the HYIP investor now as when they were written.  So, we are really creating a library of reference material for you.  In the near future we will post a permanent index to these articles somewhere on the Emily News website.  For now, as a temporary fix, we are publishing it here — realizing, of course, that, as the weeks go by, it will get buried beneath current news articles just like the HYIP Insights articles get buried.  This said, please browse through the index that follows.  Perhaps you missed an article…

I ought to add that we don’t claim to have all the answers on how to become millionaires in the HYIP business.  We have simply been involved with it for a long time and understand a few things about how these investment plans work.  So, we pass this information along to you in hopes that it might be helpful to you.  Who knows, maybe what we write will get you started at developing some  “insights” of your own that we haven’t thought of.

Here’s the list…

HYIP Insights #1.  Welcome!  The philosophy of the HYIP Insights article series.

HYIP Insights #2.  Language!  This is directed at Admins and covers the many reasons why a website should use a good translation of the language it is written in.

HYIP Insights #4.  The HYIP “Game.”  The interpretation of the HYIP business as a game — a form of gambling.

HYIP Insights # 6.  The HYIP “Legend.”  Comments on the story that a website tells about how the HYIP generates its funds.

HYIP Insights #7.  Honesty is the Best Policy.  A plea to Admins and operators of monitors to provide truthful information.

HYIP Insights #8.  The Wise HYIP Investor.  Tips on how to invest wisely.

HYIP Insights #9.  Breaking Even.  The math behind breaking even in an HYIP.

HYIP Insights #10.  Let’s By Polite!  No More Scams!  A discussion of why Emily News will no longer refer to a closed program as a scam.

HYIP Insights #11.  Is Compounding a Miracle or a Monster?  The pros and cans of compounding.

HYIP Insights #12.  An Investment Formula.  An attempt to come up with a formula that will maximize a person’s chances of making a profit with an HYIP.


FexFund Weekly Update.

It is always good to receive the weekly FexFund news updates.  Perhaps the most important thing about them is that they are a sign that the program is alive and well and is making progress.  As I think I have said on other occasions, it would be nice if ALL programs issued weekly news updates like FexFund does.

This update covers three items:

First, it appears that there will be no Bitcoin split.

Second, and kind of to celebrate the first, FexFund is offering a 5% bonus on Bitcoin deposits.  Unfortunately, I have a feeling that, by the time we publish this, the deadline for taking advantage of this bonus will have passed.  Our sincerest apologies for not getting this News Commentary out sooner.  I hope that some of you personally received the FexFund update and took advantage of the bonus on your own.

Third, the CEO of FexFund provides advice on how to avoid scammers that are trying to hack into people’s FexFund accounts.  It is probably best that you refer to the update for information on this.  I have reprinted it below.

Posted at Fri, Jul 21st 2017, 07:27

Good morning Investors!

Welcome to our 84th day online which is one of the best in FexFund‘s history. Why is that? It’s because looks like there are real consensus achieved about Bitcoin changes!

Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 91 (BIP 91) was recently activated which means that we will have no Bitcoin split and what is more, there probably won’t be any “August 1st” drama anymore! We already can see how BTC rate is going up and I think it might even hit 4k USD wall this time 🙂 I hope you got some good stash of BTC while the price was like $1800 as we did.

Because of that I’ve decided to do a little celebration and announcing 5% deposit bonus for any “fresh” Bitcoin deposit. How does it work? If you, for example, deposit 1 BTC, then after we will get needed confirmations, you will get 1.05 BTC in your investment plan. Please keep in mind that the bonus won’t work for reinvestments. Also, the bonus applies only to BTC payments, and it’s valid from now on until Sunday, midnight time (23rd July 00:00:00 of a server time).

Also, I would like to warn you against scamming people, trying to steal your password. Their method is simple. They write to you saying that they will make the deposit as your referral, but you have to go to the site X and sign up there. This site X is a fake site which collects your password and username. If they are lucky, they might take over your account in FexFund. Luckily there was only one account compromised and only because the owner wasn’t careful.

Please remember those simple rules when running your account on and then you will be 100% safe:

1. Never use the same password anywhere, you use on FexFund
2. Make sure your email address is correct so that you will get notifications in case of any payment account changes done on your account.
3. Always enable at least PIN number in Security area or Google Authenticator.

Also keep in mind that we send only one newsletter weekly, on Fridays and we will never ask you to give us anything in exchange for something. We don’t ask you for any mobile numbers etc. and we don’t send multilingual newsletters. You can always cross check email content against site’s news section as they always match as well.

I made this long enough, so I won’t keep you anymore today. I hope you are enjoying your stay in FexFund as much as we are glad to have you here.

Have a great weekend.

George Soleos
CEO of

If one of the programs on our Monitor appeals to you, please support Emily News by registering for it on our website. Thanks very very much!


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