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News Commentary # 94 — Ethtrade and an “Investment Formula”

Ethtrade Celebrates First Year Anniversary.

This news is a bit late.  But, Ethtrade just released a very nice video of their recent first year anniversary celebration that took place in Nanjing, China.  Looking at the video, it is clear that this was quite an event.  It is posted on the Ethtrade website and is worth viewing.  At least in Asia, Ethtrade appears to be doing very very well.  As of right now, it is the longest lived HYIP on the Emily News Monitor.  Many folks that have invested with Ethtrade have made a considerable amount of money already.  Following is the text of the Ethtrade news release.  Again, there is a very impressive video of the event on the Ethtrade website.

China’s GRAND celebration

Ethtrade China had a GRAND celebration for Ethtrade’s 1 year Anniversary this past April 19th, 2017 in Nanjing, China.

The Gala had over 500 people in attendance.  The event began with an introduction of leaders from around the globe.  South Korean leader Chris, Mr. Louis Stocking, and Hui King from the Ethtrade management team spoke about the platform and cryptocurrencies as well as answered questions from the audience.  There was much fun with a show by blockchain dancers and wonderful videos of the Ethtrade family around the globe.  Ethtrade appreciates China and its leaders for putting on such a successful event!


First Thoughts on an “Investment Formula.”

Every investor dreams about a secret investment formula that will enable him to always win at the “HYIP Game” (click here for a discussion of the “HYIP Game”).  I’m one of these people myself and a number of times in the past I have tried to come up with such a procedure that will enable me to always come out ahead.  I have been partially successful with this — but, I emphasize, only partially.  This means that I have made mistakes too and have lost money — just when I thought I had it all figured out!  But, win or lose, it’s kind of fun to mess around with this.

My background is in engineering.  So, I’m fairly good at working with numbers.  What I propose to do is to take a shot at developing such a magic formula.  I think this effort will be an iterative one, that is, we will be able to refine the formula as time goes by.  So, I’m going to do something a little bit different.  I’m going to get some initial thoughts on this down on paper in an HYIP Insights article and I will call the article “Investment Formula: First Try,” the idea being that there will be additional tries that will hopefully improve on what is in the first one.  And, I’m going to ask your help with this!  Two (or more!) heads are definitely better than one!  So, if you have thoughts about what I write in the First Try article, please share them with me.  This will be a team effort and, with your help, maybe we can come up with something that is pretty good.

But, no matter how hard we try, we must always remember that this IS a crazy business and anything can happen.  With that as a disclaimer, please stand by for the First Try article.

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