Today in Crypto: Crypto Hackers & Fraudsters Stole $1.62 Billion in Q4 Alone, Silvergate Cuts 40% of Workforce, US SEC Brings Charges in CoinDeal Investment Scheme

Today in Crypto: Crypto Hackers & Fraudsters Stole $1.62 Billion in Q4 Alone, Silvergate Cuts 40% of Workforce, US SEC Brings Charges in CoinDeal Investment Scheme

Source: AdobeStock / LeArchitecto Security news Bug bounty and security services platform Immunefi published a new report which found that, in the Q4 of 2022, the crypto and decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem reached $1.62 billion … Today in Crypto: Crypto Hackers & Fraudsters Stole $1.62 Billion in Q4 Alone, Silvergate Cuts 40% of Workforce, US SEC Brings Charges in CoinDeal Investment SchemeRead more

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