
In Part 1 of this review, we repeated all the basic information about the EOS Trade Market investment plans and then determined their breakeven points and DNIs.  This information and the results of our analysis revealed some surprising information. 

First, six out of the nine subplans in the first group of plans that pay a daily return require minimum investments of $3,000 or higher.  At the risk of insulting the administrators of EOS Trade Market, we always recommend that our readers NOT invest large sums of money in ANY online investment plan unless they can convince themselves that the program is as viable as a corporation that is selling shares on the stock market.  Lacking this information, it is our opinion that investing in an HYIP is a form of gambling where you are really betting on how long a company will survive (please see HYIP Insights #4 for an article about this).  EOS Trade Market actually has a good track record in this regard as they have been online for 10 months or so.  The investor can take this to mean that the company will be around for many more months (or even years!) to come — or that the end is near.  There is no way of knowing the answer to this dilemma.  However, we will proceed in this review as we do in others by not discussing investment plans with high minimum investment requirements.  Of course, the adventuresome investor can still try his luck with them.  Our analysis in Part 1 of the review lays out the important data that the investor will want to think about.

The three investment plans in the second group that don’t pay a return until they end are an even more extreme example of this problem as they all require a minimum investment of $20,000.  This is very serious money!  On top of this, the returns that these plans promise (DNIs of 30%, 40.5%, and 60%) are “off the chart.”  To put these DNIs into perspective, multiply each of them by seven to get the weekly net profit that they are equivalent to.  If you do this arithmetic, you would get 210%, 283%, and 427%.  I don’t see how this is possible.  Only the very very adventuresome investor would risk $20,000 in hopes of receiving returns at this level.

So, based on all this, we will limit our discussion to the lowest interest subplan of each of the three plans in the first group of plans (that pay a daily interest).  I suspect that 95% of present investors with EOS Trade Market are utilizing these three plans.  In fact, if you look at the present list of investors on the website, you can see that this appears to be the case. 

Here is what we now know about the three plans that we will be discussing further:

  • Ultra Light Plan — 10 days long
  • Daily Interest/DNI                   Percent Returned by End of Plan
  • 1.2%                                        12%
  • Light Plan — 20 days long
  • Daily Interest/DNI                   Percent Returned by End of Plan
  • 1.4%                                        28%
  • Classic Plan — 30 days long
  • Daily Interest/DNI                   Percent Returned by End of Plan
  • 1.6%                                        48%

It is important to remember that the minimum investment for all of these three plans is $20; they will be affordable by anyone.  And, as the foregoing chart shows, none of them break even until a plan ends.

There are three popular types of investment plans.  The best type pf plan pays a daily interest and returns your investment as part of this interest, such that a person breaks even before the plan ends.  A “middle of the road” type of investment plan is what we see with the EOS Trade Market plans that we are now discussing.  In this type of plan, you receive a daily return.  However, your investment is held until the end of the plan and is, therefore, at risk until that time.  The third and worst type of investment plan holds both your earnings and investment until the plan ends.  So, everything is at risk until a plan ends.  The second group of plans offered by EOS Trade Market, and that we are not discussing further, is in this category.  Perhaps the high returns that are offered by these latter plans are an effort to compensate for this risk (and the high minimum investment that is required).  So, although the three plans offered by EOS Trading Market that we will be discussing are not the best of the three types of plan, they are also not the worst.

If you multiply the DNIs of each of these three plans by seven, you come up with the average weekly profit that you can earn from them.  Here are the results of that arithmetic:

  • Plan                 Average Weekly Profit
  • Ultra Light       8.4%
  • Light                9.8%
  • Classic             11.2%

In HYIP Insights #23 we presented an article entitled, “How Much Profit Makes Sense?”  Our suggestion in this article was that a weekly profit level of between 5% and 10% is a good compromise between profitability and survivability of an investment program.  The profit levels in the three EOS Trade Market investment plans that we are discussing are pretty much in this range.

In another article that appeared in HYIP Insights #12, we discussed “risk” in great detail.  In that article, we suggested that the survivability of programs offering investment plans having DNIs higher than 2% might by seriously at risk.  The DNIs for the three plans we are discussing are safely below this limit. 

So, from the point of view of profitability and risk, if you view EOS Trade Market as a three-plan investment program, their investment plan offerings would seem to be a sensible package.  Of course, the program offers other plans in addition to the three we are discussing.  However, with the hope that they will be unpopular (meaning rarely used) due to the high minimum investments that they require, the overall program has a lot of merit. 

As a note, it is obvious that high profitability will always go along with high risk — and vice versa.  What the investor should probably be looking for are programs, such as this one, that are a compromise and offer “satisfactory” profits without exceptional risk.

Earnings Example.

To keep the length of this review reasonable, we’ll only work one example.  If you follow it as a template, you can easily work many others.

Let’s assume an investment of $500 in the Ultra Light Plan.  Your daily return will be 1.2% of this, or $6 (.012 x 500).  By the end of the 10-day plan, you will have received a total of $60 (10 x 6), at which time your $500 will also be returned to you.  So, the $60 that you received from your daily returns becomes your net profits.


EOS Trade Market offers a total of 12 investment plans/subplans.  However, nine of them have minimum investments that will probably be beyond the reach of the typical investor and that might even be too risky to make in the HYIP business.  Assuming that these plans are unpopular (and are not used very much), the remaining three make up a relatively strong investment plan package that should have appeal to a wide range of investors.  This appears to be the case as the program has already been online for a considerable length of time.   

I hope this information is helpful.


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